Freedom is the Heart of Liberty!

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Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: Foreign "Investors" in The Housing Market

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]

How so?
PermalinkPermalink 02/06/25 @ 12:13

In response to: Foreign "Investors" in The Housing Market

Danielaxose [Visitor]
Excellent news for all us
PermalinkPermalink 02/06/25 @ 11:12

In response to: Things Just Don't Add Up

Andy [Visitor]
Spot on with this write-up, I honestly think this website needs a great deal more attention. I'll probably be back again to read more, thanks for the information! creating backlinks
PermalinkPermalink 07/02/24 @ 13:52
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: Hostile Architecture and Stereo Receivers

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]
Yuma Chica,

That's awesome!

I did something like that once. I made this message on my work phone, literally a few days after starting -- it sounded like I was taking a bong hit. I was really just blowing bubbles into a McDonald's cup with sweet tea in it.

I said something like, "Hey man... 'bubble, bubble, bubble' You've reached Jeff. 'bubble, bubble, bubble' Uhh, you should know what to do next 'bubble, bubble, bubble'." Then I did a bunch of fake coughing, and it ended.

I had my boss call it and he freaked out! "You have to delete that immediately!" He said that while laughing though, I explained to him that nobody even has my phone number. It was a brand new company cell phone, and I hadn't even called anyone on it yet. Also, I didn't mention the company name or anything.

I put a regular message on it a few minutes later, I was never going to leave it. 🤣😂
PermalinkPermalink 05/28/24 @ 12:23
Yuma Chica

In response to: Hostile Architecture and Stereo Receivers

Yuma Chica [Visitor]
Great idea! I used to have an answering machine and one of my cats slept on it a lot. I don't know how Digby did it but it recorded me talking to him for about five minutes. I always talk to my cats. It played as the greeting but I didn't find out for about a week. My doctor's office called to remind me of my appointment and got to listen to five minutes that! Thankfully, she told me. It was pretty embarrassing at the time because I don't just talk to my cats - I talk to them a LOT.
PermalinkPermalink 05/27/24 @ 04:21

In response to: CDC Admits That The "SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19" Testing Was Flawed

Renee [Visitor]
Thanks! great article.
PermalinkPermalink 12/29/23 @ 10:36
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: COVID-19 - Wuhan Lab - and What's Next? Nipah, That's What's Next!

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]

I've heard similar theories about the way that the Nazis felt with regards the people they were killing in camps. They were led to believe that the people they were killing were like animals. They were less than human, or subhuman. Once the prisoners were sufficiently dehumanized, the people killing them felt like they were mercy killing.

They believed that they were "putting them down" not murdering them. Because those people were never going to survive anyway, they were suffering, or would suffer under the "new global system."

However, I don't know that the same sentiment is at play as you describe it, at least not this time around. The people who will be perpetuating the killing won't necessarily know that they are doing it. They are just cogs in a machine. The people at the top know what's going on, but the people carrying out the orders most likely do not know what they are doing, and won't -- until it's too late.

This entire ordeal is much more subversive than it was with the Nazis. Those who are planning to cull the population don't want those being culled knowing it. Probably because it's not just a people group this time around. It's not Genocide in the traditional sense, because it's not limited to one geographic location, or a particular race or nationality of people.

We can only hope that more people will catch on in time.
PermalinkPermalink 09/18/23 @ 10:56

In response to: COVID-19 - Wuhan Lab - and What's Next? Nipah, That's What's Next!

Stegiel [Visitor]
Your research points to the continuity of the Breakaway Civilization.
In other words, after Blake, there is a whole class of men whose whole delight is in destroying. These men are transnational but the centers are in the West, New York, London, etc. The Globalist impulse arises from the need of the British Empire graft pyramid to survive. Elites therefore promote a civilization for the base and for the elite. Elites use Technique and become the Technique they use. A great simplification is Right Brain and Left Brain. The Right brain is the ground for the Left. The Left brain interprets existence from grounds created by the Right brain. By way again of great simplification the direction of elites in the West is oriented to the Parousia. However the Left brain ideologies of our hour interpret the Second Coming in an entirely secular way-entirely Left brain-and so create Utopian disaster thinking humanity Left brain ideology has the only answer. So coupling a baseline Christian utopia to corporate profits arises in a Schizophrenic post-modern population. Planned extermination is then mercy killing.
PermalinkPermalink 09/17/23 @ 18:06
Fabian Spieker

In response to: Grenada

Fabian Spieker [Visitor]
Good thinking :)
PermalinkPermalink 02/09/23 @ 11:36
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: This is A Great Analysis From Pearson Sharp At OANN

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]
Kevin M.,

Let's hope so!
PermalinkPermalink 12/27/22 @ 14:52
Kevin M.

In response to: This is A Great Analysis From Pearson Sharp At OANN

Kevin M. [Visitor]
Two years after posting, this analysis still stands clear as a bell, and still being desperately ignored by the courts and the media. Like correcting the course of a great ship, the wheels of justice turn slowly, but they eventually do turn. America is waking up to The Steal!
PermalinkPermalink 12/27/22 @ 14:38

In response to: Multiculturalism Has Failed In Germany? Time To Ditch The "Coexist" Bumper Sticker...

Pip [Visitor]
The majority of Muslims are ignorant of the foundation of Islam and they would never know about it, unless they could learn about it! They will get that chance when they are told about it by Christian Apologists, like David Wood.It will take about 70 years for the old ignorant Muslims to die out and be replaced with educated Muslims. Just look at Afghanistan! The one thing they dread is EDUCATION and they want to keep their people ignorant!
When Irish Catholics went to America in their millions, in the 1800s, they were hated by Protestants and this hatred was still there when JFK ran for President.
One of the greatest President in American history, was IRISH AMERICAN.

The Internet was to be one of the greatest inventions UNTIL the CIA, FBI, NSA etc censored it and controlled it.
The ENEMIES of TRUTH don't want people to be educated.

I have studied the 3 Abrahamic Cults - JUDAISM - ROMANISM - ISLAM and all 3 have drenched the earth with the blood of their victims.
REMEMBER: "He that is without sin, cast the first stone"!

Check it out!
PermalinkPermalink 12/23/22 @ 11:56
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: The G20, Vaccine Passports, and Social Credit Systems, We Know Where This Leads

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]
Charles Rathbun,

It should work. I'm not blocking people.
PermalinkPermalink 11/27/22 @ 11:54
Charles Rathbun

In response to: The G20, Vaccine Passports, and Social Credit Systems, We Know Where This Leads

Charles Rathbun [Visitor]
I forwarded the link about the g20 and vaccines to a friend and then went back this morning to the original link I had sent and got a 403 forbidden link. Neither of these people are spammers. We're just friends who like your blog.
PermalinkPermalink 11/27/22 @ 09:11
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: The Leftist Media is Losing

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]

Thank you! I'm thinking about possibly duplicating my site on Substack, but I'm not yet convinced that it would benefit me.
PermalinkPermalink 11/05/22 @ 15:27

In response to: The Leftist Media is Losing

Nicholas [Visitor]
Great analysis.
PermalinkPermalink 11/04/22 @ 08:05
Charles Rathbun

In response to: The Leftist Media is Losing

Charles Rathbun [Visitor] is a great tool to avoid paywalls. I have noticed that brietbart is using them.
PermalinkPermalink 10/23/22 @ 16:23
Michael Lee  Shirey

In response to: A Plan to Replace US Service Members with Noncitizens?

Michael Lee Shirey [Visitor]
Time to have a personal conversation (s) with our Creator. I don't see how Mankind can endure a GOD-less World. I sure do need HIS protection against the Fiery Darts satan hurls at me daily. We have power over satan in the name of Jesus. satan doesn't stand a chance. Be sure you don't answer the door when he knocks. He's going to keep on knocking until the return of Jesus. Eph.6. Amen
PermalinkPermalink 08/18/22 @ 08:29

In response to: It's 2022 And Gas IS Going to Hit $10 Per Gallon Sooner Rather Than Later

Linda [Visitor]
How is anyone suppose to go to work ? My husband already drives 140 miles round trip each, and everyday ! What about poor people who won’t be able to put food on the table ? I never thought I would live long enough to see what’s coming ! I knew it was coming, just not yet. Everything is happening too fast! God help us all !
PermalinkPermalink 07/11/22 @ 19:59

In response to: It's 2022 And Gas IS Going to Hit $10 Per Gallon Sooner Rather Than Later

axe-victim [Visitor]
The enemy of my enemy is now my enemy. All thanks to the head perv.
PermalinkPermalink 06/18/22 @ 17:04
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: COMIRNATY Vanishing or Was It Ever Really There?

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]
Raquel Okyay,

I'm going to update the article with this little tidbit.

Pfizer has asked a U.S. court to throw out a whistleblower’s lawsuit on the basis that the company can’t be guilty of fraud, abuse, and protocol violations in its COVID Vaccine clinical trials because its contract with the U.S. government allowed them to skirt regulations and federal laws that typically apply to government contracts.

In other words, Pfizer was allegedly able to make false statements to the government, and lie about the safety and efficacy of its product, “because the government was in on it with them!” according to Robert Barnes, the lead lawyer in the case.
PermalinkPermalink 06/03/22 @ 19:11
Raquel Okyay

In response to: COMIRNATY Vanishing or Was It Ever Really There?

Raquel Okyay [Visitor]
Great article,thank you. I also knew that the jab was mistakenly referred to as FDA approved, when it was not. I was shocked that the White House was misinforming the people on such an important topic. Someone, anyone, all of them ought to be held accountable.
PermalinkPermalink 06/03/22 @ 17:49
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: Foreign "Investors" in The Housing Market

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]
Max Headroom,

There are a few different sources on this, but they vary greatly. I don't think that many of them are focused on the idea that this is planned.

I believe it's planned because of the timing. Look at all the other crazy things going on right now! Also, you must consider, as I did in the post, why are they so invested in this now when the housing market is at one of it's highest points historically? Wouldn't it make sense to "invest" when the market is low? But that wasn't happening as much. Now that the market is high, I'm getting a few calls a day for some company offering on my house. That's NEVER happened before. Not like it is now.
PermalinkPermalink 05/03/22 @ 13:18
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: Voter Fraud Doesn't Exist, Remember... UPDATE!

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]
Max Headroom,

The short answer to that is NO. Because Dominion holds that information VERY close to their chest.

The sheer fact that the people (election officials) can't validate the software -- means that it is NOT validated. Unless they are allowed to see the source code, and determine that there is no issue with it, how can they verify it?

Similarly, the elections officials don't even have the admin passwords for the election machines. THAT'S unacceptable...
PermalinkPermalink 05/03/22 @ 13:15
Max Headroom

In response to: Voter Fraud Doesn't Exist, Remember... UPDATE!

Max Headroom [Visitor]
One must ask the question "has anyone working for the public forensically examined the source code used to create the executable programs running on election machines and on vote management systems?"
PermalinkPermalink 04/26/22 @ 14:01
Max Headroom

In response to: Foreign "Investors" in The Housing Market

Max Headroom [Visitor]
As an older person who has invested all his life, this scenario scares me and saddens me deeply for my grandchildren. I'd sure like to read more about this.
PermalinkPermalink 04/26/22 @ 13:45
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: Why Are The UK And Europe Leading The Way by Easing COVID Restrictions?

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]

I've looked up the Georgia Guide Stones before. They're pretty creepy and nobody seems to know exactly who payed for them.

At any rate, they express the beliefs of some seriously weird people. Whether or not anyone is actively acting on what's written on the stones, I can't say. But it's reasonable to assume that someone with enough money to pay for that monument sure believed it.
PermalinkPermalink 02/24/22 @ 18:11
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: Dr. Robert Malone Nails It

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]

Well, we know that a lot of people died and it was listed as COVID incorrectly. These are people who died between the age range of 18-64 where cause of death was NOT COVID. So, the question is why was there an increase?

I believe the increase was most likely due to vaccine related complications. Because that also happens to be the age range where people seem to have the most issues with vaccine complications.
PermalinkPermalink 02/24/22 @ 18:09

In response to: Dr. Robert Malone Nails It

jNoDamWay [Visitor]
You forgot about drunk drivers dieing and being recorded as covid, gunshot victims recorded as covid etc etc etc... I I actually used social media I would share this article!
PermalinkPermalink 02/24/22 @ 17:04

In response to: Why Are The UK And Europe Leading The Way by Easing COVID Restrictions?

jNoDamWay [Visitor]
Just as plausible as any mainstream propaganda... Ever look up the Georgia Guide Stones.?
PermalinkPermalink 02/24/22 @ 13:38
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: Grenada

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]

Don't misunderstand. I don't think that the vaccine itself causes COVID, but I do think that it damages people's immune systems making them more susceptible to infection.

You might want to take a peek at this post as well. A lab scientist explains how he tested COVID swabs in the Flu analyzer and they came up positive for Flu. There's some more there too.
PermalinkPermalink 01/24/22 @ 13:22

In response to: Grenada

Bubba [Visitor]
debated this issue with an uncle who is fully vaxxed last nite. He refuses to listen, as his daughter who is fully woke besides, hasn't even wanted him out of the house in two yrs. He's 87. He refuses to think the jab causes covid. I'll sent this to him AND his daughter. Thanks
PermalinkPermalink 01/24/22 @ 10:40
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: COVID-19 And The Food Chain Reaction Crisis Simulation Kicks off in Washington DC (Food Shortage War Game)

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]

Combine this with the creepy Carbon Capture Pipeline, and it gets even stranger. The Carbon Capture Pipeline is why Bill Gates and other elite leftists have been purchasing so much farmland. That's where they plan on creating the carbon Capture pipelines and facilities.

Some of the strangest stuff I've ever heard of.
PermalinkPermalink 01/03/22 @ 09:35

In response to: COVID-19 And The Food Chain Reaction Crisis Simulation Kicks off in Washington DC (Food Shortage War Game)

Tarablee [Visitor]
Does anyone have a link to the food shortage “game”? What was the response? The scenarios? This is very disturbing as we have seen everything else played out beforehand in the “games”. What a catch, congratulations! 2014 was quite a while ago. We all need to be looking for more of these from these demented people to see what else they have planned. Where’s the holographic alien invasion? When are they scheduled? That will force some hands and bring some “home man land” defenses out of hiding. Really need to be watching the response to that one. Lol Shrink wrap your Cheerios!! Happy New year!
PermalinkPermalink 01/03/22 @ 02:02
digital wall clock with date

In response to: Things Just Don't Add Up

digital wall clock with date [Visitor]
Great delivery. Great arguments. Keep up the amazing spirit.
PermalinkPermalink 12/09/21 @ 03:01
SomeOne SomeWhere SomeHow :P

In response to: A Letter to The NIH About Virus Isolation

SomeOne SomeWhere SomeHow :P [Visitor]
Sarracenia Purpurea is an mRNA inhibitor for SmallPox and has been used for treating HIV and TB. It needs to be looked into as a treatment or something to mitigate symptoms for vaxxed people.
PermalinkPermalink 11/19/21 @ 23:12

In response to: The Great Distraction Reset!

Iris [Visitor]
Thin the herd.
PermalinkPermalink 11/09/21 @ 13:38
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: Dr. Dan Stock addressing the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana over the futility of mask mandates and Covid-19 protocols in most schools.

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]
Tom Neff,

I don't know if they are blocking things or not. I know that some of the stuff I've posted didn't show, but that was usually CFP page that didn't update for hours anyway. Something else was probably wrong.

I know that the software that many of the companies use is not the best either. I know of one program that used to block "bad" words, but was Boolean based with wildcards. So if the word "Compass" was used, it would flag the word "ass," because it wasn't looking for complete words.

Also I know that they block things when you put URL links. I have put links here to my site and have been blocked before. I think that there's a whitelist for links, to try and stop people from promoting their site.

This site "" is not monetized though, I use it more as a long-term memory of things that I've seen in the news. And it's fun to interact with different people and hear different ideas.

I filter comments as well, but generally I limit it to threatening people, or something that could get someone in serious trouble. Plus I have to screen comments because otherwise this would be an entire site of overseas ads!
PermalinkPermalink 08/27/21 @ 10:08
Tom Neff

In response to: Dr. Dan Stock addressing the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana over the futility of mask mandates and Covid-19 protocols in most schools.

Tom Neff [Visitor]
The election was stolen!
Everything else is a distraction!
When I posted this on CFP comments, Kane and censors removed.
Must have hit a nerve close to Kane's heart as a DS
Forget that site for allowing opinions.
PermalinkPermalink 08/27/21 @ 09:40
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: Dr. Dan Stock addressing the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana over the futility of mask mandates and Covid-19 protocols in most schools.

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]

I think they are running out of time to push the vaccines. They are also running out of lies.

It won't be long before the majority of people don't want the vaccines, and those who received them are going to regret it.

It's obvious to most people that this vaccine effort has nothing to do with public safety. They are allowing hundreds of thousands of people to walk across the border without screening, and shipping them all over the country. If public safety, and the spread of disease were a concern, you would close the border. They can't have it both ways, and people are catching on.
PermalinkPermalink 08/13/21 @ 11:00

In response to: Dr. Dan Stock addressing the Mt. Vernon School Board in Indiana over the futility of mask mandates and Covid-19 protocols in most schools.

MV [Visitor]
The only Shot that you will hear around me IS;
My Shot-gun going off. But only for a millisecond.
PermalinkPermalink 08/13/21 @ 09:44
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: I Have Now Been Banned by ABC News!

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]

It also seems that the media heads pick the kind of people with thousands of skeletons in their closet. That way, if they do start to feel like something is wrong and try to do the right thing, they will expose them to public.

It's the same way with most politicians. Both parties rarely put up candidates that are deviants in some way or another. People they can blackmail. Look at Cuomo, they're going after him now for something that he did years ago. Not because they care, but with him out office, people will stop poking around about the nursing home deaths.
PermalinkPermalink 08/05/21 @ 15:16

In response to: I Have Now Been Banned by ABC News!

Cajlo [Visitor]
You are correct ABC HAS AN AGENDA. Commentators and anchors are sheep. They just report what the agenda is. Facts be damned. (I was also banned)
PermalinkPermalink 08/05/21 @ 14:42
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: Myocarditis is Was A Rare Disorder That Leads To Heart Inflammation

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]

If you want to see some stuff that will make you think twice about everything you've seen look at "The SPARS Pandemic Scenario" put out by Johns Hopkins University's "Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security." Pay very close attention to the dates of the publications you'll find that they are quite older than you might imagine. Here are the links:

A brief description of what Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security is about:

A rundown of the publication at University of Central Florida:

The page on Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security website linking to the full PDF of the SPARS Pandemic Scenario:

Here's a link directly to the "Spars Pandemic Scenario" PDF file, notice the year 2017 in the link?:
PermalinkPermalink 06/14/21 @ 08:12

In response to: Myocarditis is Was A Rare Disorder That Leads To Heart Inflammation

JR [Visitor]
Yep, an experimental agent.. Ya never know what may unfold over the course of time.
PermalinkPermalink 06/11/21 @ 16:38
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: Swine Flu Video From 60 Minutes -- SHOW THIS TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN!

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]

I agree! The main factor in both cases, today and back in the 70s -- the push. Every time that the government has pushed something like this, the outcome has been bad. The Swine Flu was never going to reach, epidemic much less pandemic status, because there were too few people with it.

The fact that they are trying to "sell" the "vaccines" to the public is all you need to know that something is wrong.

The narrative is failing. If this were a legitimate "pandemic" people wouldn't need to be reminded constantly! People truly would be scared, not cowed into submission...
PermalinkPermalink 05/04/21 @ 15:54

In response to: Swine Flu Video From 60 Minutes -- SHOW THIS TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN!

Linda [Visitor]
I remember that 60 minutes show , and all the propaganda commercials !
Since I am in the age group who never received vaccine, ( we were allowed to get diseases in the 50's and 60's ) I had no intention of getting a swine flu shot ! Or getting it for my children !
PermalinkPermalink 05/04/21 @ 14:28
Me and My Giant Dollar Store Glasses

In response to: Vaccine Passports Here We Come!

OGRE / (Jeff) [Member]

From what I can tell they are going to use phone apps and blockchain technology to verify it. That will be very hard to fake.

You might find this interesting, there are almost no high end Nvidia video cards available at normal prices, they are either crazy expensive, or sold out. These video cards are used by people trying to mine Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. I'm also wondering if people aren't buying them up so that they can create/hack the vaccine passport blockchain elements. That will be the only way to fake one.
PermalinkPermalink 04/20/21 @ 14:56

In response to: Vaccine Passports Here We Come!

Linda [Visitor]
I think I'm going to need a fake one ! I have no intention of receiving any vaccine ! Now where do I go to get one ??
PermalinkPermalink 04/20/21 @ 13:59
Cheryl R Houdek

In response to: Children and mRNA Vaccines, Trust In The Science They Say

Cheryl R Houdek [Visitor]
Read this!
PermalinkPermalink 04/15/21 @ 15:44
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