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Abortion, Roe v. Wade, and The Big Secret

Permalink 05/04/22 00:12, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, On the web, History, Politics, Elections

It has been leaked (on purpose) that the SCOTUS will strike down Roe v. Wade. But there is a back story to this that is VERY important, and it has little to do with abortion.

When you watch mainstream TV. Most of the shows would have you believe that every other person in your neighborhood is gay or LGBTQ+. They want America to believe that the majority of the country are living like "Will and Grace." The old seasons, not the new anti-Trump episodes. but that is just not the case. The vast majority of Americans are straight.

Netflix and Disney are the biggest examples of this. They perpetuate a false narrative that many more people are LGBTQ+ than actually are. Why would they do this? Because it allows their narrative to work. Their narrative is false, and it relies on a constant barrage of propaganda to keep it alive. Roe v. Wade is another piece of propaganda. Yes, it is a real court ruling, but it's top-down legislating from the SCOTUS. And there's a very good reason why the left hangs on to Roe v. Wade so tightly.

The big secret is that the vast majority of Americans are actually against abortion. Striking down Roe v. Wade would put the issue of abortion back in the hands of the states. Individual states would draft legislation to address abortion rights. Why is that such a big deal? It's a big deal because the majority of states will vote to ban abortion, and the left KNOWS this.

This is also a big deal, because it will expose the lie. The lie that there are tons of people all over the country who are in favor of abortion. The left isn't truly interested in abortion, they could care less whether or not people choose to have children or not. However, they do care that one of their largest narratives might be proven false -- after almost 50 years.

Roe v. Wade is the corner stone to the SCOTUS legislating from the bench, creating rights that were never in The Constitution. That I believe is what they are most concerned about. They are concerned that they might not be able to use the court to "create" law.

The fact that we know more states than not are going to ban abortion; just adds to the failing of the narrative. Because when the American people see that the majority of Americans actually do not agree with abortion, it all comes falling down. Not only that, but people will be angry at the level of manipulation and deception. All of those people out there who are being paid to protest in front of the SCOTUS building, they will also be exposed.

How can you get that many people together to protest something -- when the majority of Americans don't support it? The short answer is you can't, unless you pay them. Roe v. Wade is basically the biggest "psyop" the left has been able to keep going, and for the longest time. When that falls, many more things will follow it.

Let's see how this plays out, or will the SCOTUS bend against the pressure of fake protestors?

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