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Amy Coney Barrett Needs To Recuse Herself From Electrion Related Issues! I Knew This Was Coming!

Permalink 09/29/20 22:32, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, History, Politics, Elections

Amy Coney Barrett needs to recuse herself!

New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, a Democrat who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, told NBC's Meet the Press that he would be willing to meet with Barrett ahead of the committee hearings for her confirmation that will start next month.

"I think you know my spirit, which is to sit down and meet with people and talk to them. And I'm going to make it very clear, one of the things I want to ask her is will she recuse herself ... in terms of any election issues that come before us, because if she does not recuse herself, I fear that the court will be further delegitimized," Booker said on Sunday.

The Democrats could not be more predictable. The left aren't going to be able to stop her nomination in the Senate, so they have to grasp at the next straw! This was the first think that came to mind, as soon as I heard that Trump had nominated a woman.

It didn't take long.

There is no legal precedent for Amy Conney Barrett to recuse herself either.

“A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned," the Code of Conduct reads.

The code of conduct then proceeds to list off the many reasons one might be required to recuse themselves, including the following:

* If the judge has "a personal bias or prejudice" concerning the case.
* If the judge "served as a lawyer in the matter."
* If the judge has a "financial interest" in the subject matter.
* If the judge or the judge's family member is involved in the case
* If the judge "has served in governmental employment and in that capacity participated as a judge (in a previous judicial position), counsel, advisor, or material witness concerning the proceeding..."

Our legal experts emphasized that these rules are not constitutionally binding. While judges in lower courts can be reprimanded by a committee on ethics if they fail to follow these rules, there is nobody policing Supreme Court ethics.

“The ethical rules do not apply to the Supreme Court of the United States," said Nourse. "They help administer these rules.”

Nourse said that justices will often recuse themselves, but this is a personal decision. Recusals are not mandated for these justices.

"They do it as a matter of grace (as) they call it," she said. "Or a matter of wisdom.”

Within political and legal circles, there's still considerable debate as to whether Barrett should recuse herself in such a situation. But there is a consensus that she would not be required to recuse herself by the Constitution, if the Supreme Court were to hear a case, regarding a disputed 2020 election.

This is just wishful thinking on the part of Democrats. There is absolutely no possibility that a Democrat appointed SCOTUS member would EVER recuse themselves for any reason.

To put the icing on the cake. Biden last night in the debate, wouldn't answer as to whether or not he would stack the court. Increasing the number of justices to offset a conservative legal presence.

Biden declined to tell debate moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News whether he would support adding justices to the court if Trump’s conservative pick, Amy Coney Barrett, is confirmed to replace liberal icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“Whatever position I take on that, that’ll become the issue. The issue is the American people should speak. You should go out and vote. You’re in voting, now vote and let your senators know how strongly you feel. But vote now,” Biden said.

Democrats are floundering. They won't answer questions that are very much a reason to vote or not vote for a presidential candidate. Then Joe goes a step further and tells people to, "Go out and vote." He's been speaking out about how it's not safe to vote in public since the COVID-19 issue started. Biden is even talking about shutting down the country again!? But not before you go vote!

As I stated in my previous posts about vote buying and ballot stuffing; courts are making these methods increasingly hard for Democrat operatives to accomplish. Pair that with Project Veritas and the actual audio and video evidence of vote buying and fraud.

Democrats are now pushing for people to get to the polls. Even a stacked court might not help them.

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