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New COVID-19 Infection Fatality Numbers Are EXTREMELY Low

Permalink 09/27/20 00:47, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, History, Politics, Elections

This further backs up what I was saying in an earlier post, the virus could have been here much longer than is being reported.

The CDC COVID-19 fatality numbers show that the number of people who have actually died from the virus are extremely low.

Pay close attention to Scenario 5 as it is the current best estimate.

In order to get the percentages representative of the number of people who were infected and survived, just multiply the Infection Fatality Ratio by 100 to make it a percentage, then subtract the value from 100. You can do the math in a spreadsheet and you end up with:

= 100 - (Fatality Ratio*100)

This is one of the best examples of why very few people trust the media these days. The original estimates were incredibly high. Then when the real numbers come out, the media is nowhere to be seen.

In Florida they are entering phase 3 of reopening, meaning that bars and restaurants are opening back up. This is long overdue as the numbers now prove. The threat was GROSSLY overestimated.

Now that mail-in voting is not going to benefit the Democrats as much, how long will it be before this comes out in the media? It's going to be widely reported very soon. Then there will be no need for the masks, and they will be pushing for people to get to the polls. It will happen very quickly.

Soon you'll see "experts" claiming that the threat was real, and it's never a bad thing to be cautious. But now we know that it's nowhere near as deadly as was purported. Then you'll see stories about how polling booths that are hypoallergenic with Micoban surfaces. This is so predictable!

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