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The Trump Phenomenon Explained.

Permalink 08/31/15 00:25, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, Background, Fun, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Elections

Many on the political scene have tried to define Trump, they've tried to box the essence that makes Trump appealing. I'm here to tell you that they are failing, they are failing miserably -- mostly because everyone is hip to the jive! I'll sum it up quite nicely.

Republicans have created an emotional disenchantment for conservative voters. That's why the normal political hacks can't figure out the Trump appeal. Republican voters don't know who they are for, as much as who they are against. Democrats tend to demonize their opposition, but here -- the republicans have done it to themselves. The republican base wants them out. They'll figure the rest out later.

It's that simple. The republican base is no longer acting based on fact and reason, that's not to say that Trump is unreasonable, it's just to say that there is so much distrust of the establishment that ANYONE will do. For example, Deez Nuts, an Iowa farm boy, is running for President -- and leading in some online polls!

Supporters who picked up the Deez Nuts meme tweeted to Public Policy Polling, a nonscientific polling operation, asking it to add him to its surveys, and it did. In head-to-head matchups with Donald J. Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton, Deez Nuts drew 8 percent in Minnesota and 7 percent in Iowa.

Tom Jensen, the director of Public Policy Polling, said he added Deez Nuts to statewide survey three weeks ago because “the name makes people laugh, and it’s a long presidential election.’’

But Mr. Jensen also drew a serious conclusion from the Deez Nuts surge.

"I would say Mr. Nuts is the most ludicrous and unqualified third-party candidate you could have, but he’s still polling at 7, 8, 9 percent," Mr. Jensen said. “Right now the voters don’t like either of the people leading in the two main parties, and that creates an appetite for a third-party candidate."

While this is an extreme example, it shows that people in both parties are sick and tired of the usual politicians.

I believe that the 2016 election is going to be the battle of the non-politicians, maybe even in both parties. People are tired of being lied to and want someone different. Because republicans have gone along with democrats on almost every single position possible, there is little difference between the two parties. People sense this and want to be represented. To me this shows two large rifts in politics. One the democrat agenda is NOT one that most people want. The democrat agenda has been pushed for the past eight years and people are picking up on the fact that it's not helping as promised. Also they have seen republicans talk on and on about how they are going to stop this democrat agenda, and then vote time and time again to support it. The game is up and people are catching on. The question is whether or not people will hang in there to the end and see a non-politician elected to the highest office.

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