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It's 2022 And Gas IS Going to Hit $10 Per Gallon Sooner Rather Than Later

Permalink 06/14/22 12:27, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, On the web, Politics, U.S. Economy, Elections

Everyone knows that gas prices have been climbing, with no end in sight. There's good reason to assume that the price will continue to spike above $10 a gallon sooner rather than later. Here's why.

Although the U.S. has stopped buying Russian oil, the challenge remains that Russia is one of the largest global producers and exporters of oil. There is no way to completely remove Russian oil from the market without sending oil prices much higher — perhaps to $200 a barrel.

Further, as oil prices go higher it increases the appeal of Russia’s oil. Right now, China and India, for example, have tremendous incentive to buy discounted Russian oil.

I believe that Robert Rapier is correct. And it's for that reason that oil will make it to $200+ per barrel. Russia is not going to stop what it's doing in Ukraine, until its objectives are met. Sanctions aren't going to have the desired effect on Russia, because Russia gammed this out a long time ago.

Of course the Legacy/Main Stream Media will blame all of this on Russia's invasion of Ukraine. When in reality, it will be US politically-based economic policy that causes global economic destruction. Not Russia.

Why is the US sanctioning Russia, if doing so helps Russia? We know that it's not hurting them. Sanctions are a double edge sword, and those are sharp on both sides. Forcing Russia to trade oil in currencies, other than the US dollar -- will weaken the dollar. Is that really a smart move at this time?

Things are going to get MUCH worse before they get better.

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Comment from: axe-victim [Visitor]
axe-victimThe enemy of my enemy is now my enemy. All thanks to the head perv.
06/18/22 @ 17:04
Comment from: Linda [Visitor] Email
LindaHow is anyone suppose to go to work ? My husband already drives 140 miles round trip each, and everyday ! What about poor people who won’t be able to put food on the table ? I never thought I would live long enough to see what’s coming ! I knew it was coming, just not yet. Everything is happening too fast! God help us all !
07/11/22 @ 19:59

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