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Let's All Vote In Pennsylvania!

Permalink 11/04/20 01:06, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, Politics, Elections

I decided to see what was required to vote in Pennsylvania. What I found was amazing. It appears, at least from the official online voter registration form, that you don't even have to prove that you are a US citizen. There is a check box for, "I do not have a PA driver's license or PennDOT ID card or a Social Security number." If you check that box, you are unidentifiable --period. Is Pennsylvania going to allow non-citizens, or out of state citizens vote with provisional ballots?

Take a minute and scroll through this form.

There is a section where it mentions that it's illegal to lie on the form and that you might be fined $15,000 or could end up spending 7 years in prison or both. But this is absurd because the law is unenforceable. How are the authorities supposed to find someone with a fake name, no SSN and no driver's license or state issued ID? Answer: THEY AREN'T.

But it gets even worse. Now a Judge in Pennsylvania has ruled that they can extend the counting deadline, and the supreme court punted.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday let stand a ruling by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court that extended the deadline for mail-in votes in the November election by three days.

But wait, it gets even more ridiculous. Pennsylvania Supreme Court says ballots can’t be rejected based on signature comparisons.

The Pennsylvania state Supreme Court ruled Friday that ballots in the state cannot be rejected because of signature comparisons, backing up guidance issued by the state’s chief elections officer heading into Pennsylvania’s first presidential election with no-excuse mail voting.

The ruling is a defeat for President Donald Trump’s campaign and other Republicans, who had challenged the decision by Pennsylvania election officials, arguing that efforts to match signatures on ballots to signatures on voter rolls were necessary to prevent fraud.

"We conclude that the Election Code does not authorize or require county election boards to reject absentee or mail-in ballots during the canvassing process based on an analysis of a voter’s signature,” the state Supreme Court wrote in an opinion signed by six of the seven justices, including five Democrats and one Republican.

The seventh justice, another Republican, concurred with the ruling.

The court directs "the county boards of elections not to reject absentee or mail-in ballots for counting, computing, and tallying based on signature comparisons conducted by county election officials or employees, or as the result of third party challenges based on such comparisons."

But there's even more to it than that. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court also said that the postmarks on the mail-in ballots don't have to be on or before the Nov. 3rd deadline (effectively extending mail-in voting). In fact there doesn't even have to be a postmark there at all.

But even more concerning to Republicans than extending the deadline is that the state Supreme Court also ruled that mail ballots without postmarks proving they were submitted before the election deadline on Nov. 3 will be counted. “We conclude that a ballot received on or before 5:00 p.m. on November 6, 2020, will be presumed to have been mailed by Election Day unless a preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that it was mailed after Election Day,” reads the decision.

So people who are unidentifiable, can mail in, or drop off ballots after the deadline? Is the state of Pennsylvania actively trying to invite fraud?

To illustrate the illogical decisions made; why not just allow vote counting BEFORE election day? Not an extension --count ahead of time, that makes sense. You can at least remove the impression that you're adding mail-in votes after the in-person votes have been counted (because that's the only reason for counting after the deadline). You already knew that there were going to be a record amount of votes counted. Why didn't Florida have these issues?

You might as well have people write who they want for president on a napkin and drop that off. After all, it's about the integrity of the vote right?

From 2020 election

From 2020 election

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