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BLM and Why Don't Leftists Trust Leftists?

Permalink 09/17/20 19:56, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, Politics, U.S. Economy, Financial Reform Legislation, Elections

I found this interesting, but it gets to a larger point. Why DON'T leftists believe that leftists will actually do what they say they will do?

One adviser’s left-leaning clients don’t think a Biden win will negatively affect their finances, but the adviser’s right-leaning ones think a Biden win could send their portfolio to ‘hell in a hand basket.’

Here is where this gets interesting. The only way that you can believe that Biden won't negatively affect your finances, is if you don't believe that a Biden administration is going to do the things they have campaigned on.

What these people don't understand is that this isn't the same Democrat party from years past. They aren't the Democrats who say radical things, but govern from the center. These bunch ARE the radicals. The Black Lives Matter website's donation page links to ActBlue, which is a Democrat website. They donate exclusively to Democrat and far left candidates all across the US.

Click the image below to view in full size.

*** UPDATE ***
The BLM website has removed their donate button -- which linked to ActBlue a Democrat political action committee.

No one appears to have been in charge at Black Lives Matter for months. The address it lists on tax forms is wrong, and the charity's two board members won't say who controls its $60 million bankroll, a Washington Examiner investigation has found.

BLM's shocking lack of transparency surrounding its finances and operations raises major legal and ethical red flags, multiple charity experts told the Washington Examiner.

This man's clients aren't really leftists, or at least they don't think that the leftists are really leftists. Notice they didn't say that they were worried about Trump winning. But they said that they didn't think that Harris/Biden would negatively affect their finances. Meaning that they admit that there's concern there, they just don't buy into it.

The other school of thought on this, is that Congress will most likely go to the Republicans. Stopping Harris/Biden from being able to effect too much change due to gridlock. However, this scenario is another win for Democrats. Democrats can and will make small incremental changes, they are winning because they keep moving the pendulum farther to the left each time.

Republicans have to be careful with the sky is falling scenario, I think that the Democrats are smart enough to keep the ball moving ever so slightly. Even if they gain power, I don't think they'll go too far too fast. And that is a problem because it will discredit those who are pointing out what the Democrats end game is. They just have the timeline a little too accelerated.

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