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Climate Change Is About, "Ending The Perpetuation of Systemic Inequalities?"

Permalink 09/13/20 18:30, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Elections

I know that there are lot of people worried about Climate Change / Anthropocentric Global Warming / Global Dimming, or whatever else they can come up with. So how come most of the politicians are talking about things other than the climate?

Just the other day 09-12-20 Nancy Pelosi said this in a joint statement at the Virtual G7 Summit.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the parliamentary leaders of the G7 countries issued a joint declaration Saturday warning, "the climate crisis is the existential threat of our time."

"Climate policy can end the perpetuation of systemic inequalities," the leaders wrote in their joint statement.

But I thought that we were all going to die if we didn't solve the "Climate Crisis." Well now that's changed and we're supposed to battle "systemic inequalities," but first let's boil that down. Systemic inequality implies that the inequalities are built into the system.

You start by admitting that there is systemic inequality, from there you can see that the unmet needs are never going to be met. Why? Because there is a power imbalance between those who have access and those who do not. The problem here is that the issue is almost never defined. When Pelosi references, "Systemic Inequalities," she doesn't reference what is unequal. Sure there are inequalities, there always will be, but to which is she referring?

But that's the idea. Now we have a bunch of world leaders claiming that there are "System Inequalities" around the world. And the way to fix those inequalities has nothing to do with freedom or education, it has to do with climate change legislation?" Is climate change legislation going to help water come out of the ground in villages where there is no well? Is climate change legislation going to stop wars in Africa? Because we all know those people are fighting over different view points on climate change.

The answer is simple. Give us "world leaders" more power, and we'll make sure that you have more access to something. You have to give us more power first then you'll see what that is.

But, then it's always that way isn't it. These people who want more power are claiming to use it to equalize something, level the playing field, spread the wealth around. I have a better question, when do those who claim to equalize anything actually do it? Did Obama spread the wealth around like he told Joe The Plumber? Did Nancy Pelosi help the healthcare system by pushing Obamacare through on Christmas Eve?

The short answer is NO, but it's always NO, isn't it.

Climate Change is a buzz word for global income redistribution!

I wrote about this years ago in 2009.

Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen has described the UN climate summit in Copenhagen as an "opportunity the world cannot afford to miss".

The African Union has threatened to walk out of the talks if industrialised countries do not agree to help poor states pay for the transition to cleaner economies.

Any agreement made at Copenhagen is intended to supplant the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on climate change, which expires in 2012.

Connie Hedegaard, conference president and Denmark's former climate minister, said: "This is our chance. If we miss it, it could take years before we got a new and better one. If we ever do."

To stress the importance of the summit, 56 newspapers in 45 countries published the same editorial on Monday, warning that climate change will "ravage our planet" unless action is agreed, the London-based Guardian reported.

It was a shakedown then and it's a shakedown now. People all over the globe loose their individual freedoms for the promise of a better life. A promise made by those who could have already made things better with the power they have, but didn't. Why give them more!?

But, but, maybe this time they really care... I seriously doubt it...

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