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Foreign "Investors" in The Housing Market

Permalink 03/30/22 00:52, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics

For the first time in American history, single family housing will become a depreciating asset.

Somewhere around 35% of the properties in our HOA are owned by some corporate property management company. I'm not sure how many of those companies are foreign owned or not.

I'm receiving around 2-3 calls a day from some place offering to purchase my home.

I really do think this is part of the whole, "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy." WEF plan. If you pay attention, they say in the video clip that millennials are the prime market for these homes. Most millennials can't afford to buy a home now, because of the inflated prices. These companies are using their purchasing power to help drive up the cost of home ownership on purpose.

The Tricon CEO says that the corporate home ownership in the market is 2%, but that's not the real issue. The rental price inflation starts when property is over valued. This can not be by mistake. Why weren't they doing this right after the market drop? Right after 2008, when they could have purchased the homes at a much cheaper amount? But they didn't, at least not to the extent that they are doing it now.

These companies are using the money from "investors" to do this. Blackstone, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, these are some of the same companies that own the majority share of almost all of the companies in the world. This isn't done for investment, because if it were, the would be the world's worst investors. Why would you invest when the market is high? Unless THEY plan to drive the price even higher at some point.

Similarly, the inflated prices will drive increased property taxes, making home ownership even less attractive/attainable.

Owning a home will no longer be an "investment" because nearly all individual buyers will be priced out of the market. Once enough of the homes are owned by these multinational companies, they will essentially control the prices in the housing market entirely. They are all owned on the back-end by the same investors, so they won't compete against themselves, but they can keep the prices so high that individuals can't buy in. Selling a house will be like selling a car, you'll never get a good return on investment! These corporate property groups are like the Carmax of houses.

I believe this is absolutely intentional and designed specifically to keep individuals from owning property. This is a huge global racket designed to destroy American generational wealth. And the American people are getting the shaft!

This is no different than the death tax. The death tax hurts farmers the most, because they are land rich, so what does the IRS do? They tax the land after death, so the generational owners are forced to sell. And the same three companies are back funding "investment" firms that are buying up farm land as well.

NONE OF THIS IS COINCIDENTAL. For the longest time it seemed that way, because it could be explained away, but it's becoming more obvious by the day. Our own government -- our "elected" officials are quite literally selling the country out from under us!

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Comment from: Max Headroom [Visitor]
Max HeadroomAs an older person who has invested all his life, this scenario scares me and saddens me deeply for my grandchildren. I'd sure like to read more about this.
04/26/22 @ 13:45
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesMax Headroom,

There are a few different sources on this, but they vary greatly. I don't think that many of them are focused on the idea that this is planned.

I believe it's planned because of the timing. Look at all the other crazy things going on right now! Also, you must consider, as I did in the post, why are they so invested in this now when the housing market is at one of it's highest points historically? Wouldn't it make sense to "invest" when the market is low? But that wasn't happening as much. Now that the market is high, I'm getting a few calls a day for some company offering on my house. That's NEVER happened before. Not like it is now.
05/03/22 @ 13:18

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