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Swine Flu Video From 60 Minutes -- SHOW THIS TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN!

Permalink 05/02/21 19:41, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, Politics, Strange_News

Try to get this out to as many people as you can. People need to see this to see the parallels to what we're dealing with right now with the COVID-19 "vaccines."

I don't know how much longer this will be on YouTube. They'll probably take it down once it gets enough views.

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Comment from: Linda [Visitor]
LindaI remember that 60 minutes show , and all the propaganda commercials !
Since I am in the age group who never received vaccine, ( we were allowed to get diseases in the 50's and 60's ) I had no intention of getting a swine flu shot ! Or getting it for my children !
05/04/21 @ 14:28
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesLinda,

I agree! The main factor in both cases, today and back in the 70s -- the push. Every time that the government has pushed something like this, the outcome has been bad. The Swine Flu was never going to reach, epidemic much less pandemic status, because there were too few people with it.

The fact that they are trying to "sell" the "vaccines" to the public is all you need to know that something is wrong.

The narrative is failing. If this were a legitimate "pandemic" people wouldn't need to be reminded constantly! People truly would be scared, not cowed into submission...
05/04/21 @ 15:54

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