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The Great Distraction Reset!

Permalink 04/01/21 11:43, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, Politics, Illegal Immigration, Strange_News, Stimulus Spending, U.S. Economy, Elections

For any of those out there that don't believe that there are people trying to reshape society on a global scale, here's your wakeup call!

I took snippets from this article but you should read the whole thing! This is the most important article I've seen on the issue of mass migration.

Everything you've been watching in the legacy media has been to keep you from looking at the following:

The United Nations’ role in immigration policy is growing worldwide with the establishment of a UN “Network for Migration” in dozens of countries to facilitate large migratory flows, sparking alarm among American border-security advocates already concerned about mass migration and the escalating crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.

The UN networks, which are led by a coalition of UN agencies, exist to support the implementation of the controversial “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” (GCM) adopted by the UN and over 150 of its member states in December of 2018.

Under the new administration [Biden], “the U.S. government has attended several GCM regional reviews, reviewing progress on implementation of the compact in all the regions of the world,” UN Network on Migration Communications Coordinator Florence Kim told The Epoch Times in a phone interview.

The UN’s refugee agency already “works closely with U.S. government agencies and [Non-Governmental Organizations] responsible for resettling refugees in the U.S.,” the international organization says, adding that the U.S. program is the largest in the world.

In 2018, citing concerns over sovereignty and the interests of the American people, the administration of President Donald Trump rejected U.S. involvement in the UN’s signature immigration effort to date, the GCM. Numerous other governments in Europe and beyond followed suit.

The growing UN push on global migration, combined with ongoing changes in immigration policy between the Trump and Biden administrations, has numerous U.S. organizations dedicated to border security very concerned.

In interviews with The Epoch Times, several leading figures in the immigration debate spoke out against the UN migration networks and the UN effort to get the U.S. government officially involved.

“The International Organization for Migration (IOM) applauds President Joe Biden’s plans to address the drivers of migration and advance safe, orderly and regular migration in the region,” the UN organization said in a statement released in early February using the precise language of the global migration pact.

The Biden administration’s executive actions on immigration “will provide a framework to expand refugee resettlement,” the UN IOM added in reference to Biden’s orders increasing the cap on refugees from less than 20,000 per year to over 120,000.

As soon as Biden took office, the UN suggested that the U.S. government should re-engage in the UN’s international efforts on global migration.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, for instance, issued a statement on Biden’s first day expressing hope that the new administration would join the GCM.

“This partnership is needed now more than ever as we seek to provide assistance, protection and sustainable solutions to the displacement of record numbers of people who have been forced to flee their homes as a result of conflict, violence or disaster, or are migrating in the hopes of finding a better life for themselves and their families,” said the statement issued by Guterres’s office.

“You don’t need to adopt the GCM to actually implement it,” she said. “They will implement it at their own rhythm.”

“Sometimes it can be politically sensitive, so countries [governments] did not adopt it,” added Kim, who works at the UN’s offices in Geneva. “But a majority of those countries are implementing at least some parts of it.”

The United States is actually surrounded by nations where governments are enthusiastic supporters of the UN effort. In fact, the governments of both Mexico and Canada are considered “champions” of the GCM, Kim said.

“Mexico has agreed and requested to pilot some tools developed by the UN agencies through the Network for Migration,” Kim said, adding that the Mexican government served as “co-facilitator of the negotiations.”

“The fact that Mexico can be supported by the UN in protecting migrants leaving or crossing can have an impact on the United States,” continued Kim. “We are talking about international migration here, so anything implemented by one country has an impact on neighboring countries.”

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also referred to as UN Agenda 2030, represent a comprehensive global effort to reform governance and the economy to be more in line with what the UN considers to be sustainable.

The Chinese Communist Party boasted that it played a “crucial role” in the SDG plan, which UN leaders said represents a “master plan for humanity” that will “transform our world.”

Leading the Networks for Migration are a number of key UN agencies, including several that are run by Chinese officials loyal to Beijing.

She also argued that attempting to stop mass migration was futile.

“You can build all the walls in the world that you want, but when people have to leave, they will,” she said.

“These are domestic policy issues,” he said. “Each nation should make these decisions based on their own criteria.”

“What happens when these kinds of international organizations get involved, you basically have other countries telling the United States and Germany what they should do,” added Mehlman. “Once you throw this into the international arena it becomes very easy for other countries to sit back and tell ours what we should be doing when it’s not really their business.”

“The American public should resist these United Nations programs because they are designed to facilitate and increase harmful third world legal and illegal immigration into America and Europe as part of a wider plan to overwhelm our nations and force Americans into a global form of government which will be dominated by China,” he argued.

National identity, borders, and the independence and freedom enjoyed by Americans are a major obstacle to “socialists, communists, global corporations, and robber baron billionaires who feel they should be able to rule and dictate by fiat,” he said.

“The problems in another country is where the problem needs to be solved, not in ours,” said Gibboney, whose family fled the communist regime in Hungary via Brazil before eventually finding their way to the United States legally.

The US is surrounded by countries that are already taking part in these plans to move massive amounts of people from one country to another.

The UN is involved in this effort as part of "The International Organization for Migration (IOM)" and the "Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM)." How many of you have heard of these organizations, or these initiatives?

The Chinese Communist Party boasted that it played a “crucial role” in the SDG plan, which UN leaders said represents a “master plan for humanity” that will “transform our world.”

Now you know why they don’t teach history anymore! There’s no other reason to do this other than control!

I have a question. Why the hell isn't the UN involved in solving problems in the countries that people are fleeing from? Wouldn't it make more sense to help the people where they are rather than move them to a foreign land? It's sort of the opposite of colonialism, instead of going over there and changing things for the better, we're going to move the majority of a population to a place that is already doing better. But, there's one really big problem with it. THIS IS WHAT THE ROMANS DID! It serves two main purposes. First, it moves one group of people away from their homeland, making them less likely to push back and easier to control. Second, the place where they migrate to is destabilized due to the large influx of people and is also much less likely to push back (dealing with internal problems) making them easier to control as well.

This is some dark evil stuff here! For all of those people who called anyone paying attention a "conspiracy theorist," your time's up. There is a huge conspiracy to push the world toward a one world governing body. The people involved are coming out about it now, because they don't think that anything can be done to stop it.

Make no mistake, the people involved in this effort are moving the pieces into position right now. This article details what they are trying to do. I hope that we aren't too late to at least save the US. But I can't tell at this point.

From what I see, the globalists are looking to drive the US into another civil war. Every time the US government threatens to take guns away, what happens? People go out and guy more guns.

We have a public that is armed to the teeth, and we have an education system that is teaching young children and adults to hate each other because of their race and past grievances (Critical Race Theory). There's nothing "critical" about it, other than it's needed to divide the country.

Critical Race Theory is an ideological, non-solvable narrative that doesn't allow for logic and reason. The outcome of this, one could only assume, would eventually be a war. Once enough people are tired of being pushed and blamed for things they don't believe and crimes they didn't commit, there will be a breaking point.

Some states like Florida have taken steps to slow, or stop some of this nonsense. But many states have not.

The US is being hammered on many fronts, in a coordinated effort. Biden (friendly to China) in the White House, mass migration, Critical Race Theory. These facts are not debatable. The people behind this push for one world government are coming out and admitting it, and China is at the forefront of it. Even more insulting, the United States provides the majority of the funding for the UN.

I think the American people have been played by both sides. Many Republican state legislatures are passing laws to deal with mail-in voting, and other measures that will secure the vote. If they can pass these measures now, when the media has said repeatedly that there was no fraud in the 2020 election; in other words they don't have any media backing --why couldn't they have passed these measures before the 2020 election? I don't have the answer to that question. I can only assume it's because the Republicans were in on the fraud from the beginning. There's no way that these Republican state legislatures didn't know what was happening in their states. Now the Republicans are playing theater and passing laws that they know will be overridden when the filibuster is removed, and H.R.1 is signed into law.

If they can’t get (H.R. 1 / S. 1) passed outright, they will create a new czar to oversee elections, that czar will have the authority (granted by congress) to make it happen. This is how it’s done in Washington. Obamacare was the same way. They created a position called the “Health Choices Commissioner” (in the original ACA bill) later renamed. They didn’t pass Obamacare in one swoop. They created the framework by which they could mandate all the necessary parts of Obamacare through intermediaries --effectively side-stepping congress..

I think that we've been under the rule of a single party system for much longer than many people are willing to admit.

Only time will tell if we can pull out of this as a nation.

What do you think?

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Comment from: Bzip [Visitor]
BzipYou said: "THIS IS WHAT THE ROMANS DID! It serves two purposes."

Third purpose:
this also will make all those "homelands" (where the groups of people were moved out of), become less stable, leaving behind less / fewer “functional” people to try and ever possibly fix the longstanding homeland problems.
04/05/21 @ 18:47
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesBzip:

Absolutely! That's why now we're seeing the Biden admin, stating that they are going to "fill the holes" in the border wall.

But they've already brought in hundreds of thousands of people.

I think they were trying to do it without the legacy media reporting it. But once it became a large enough issue, they were forced to cover it, but mostly after the fact. The number of people they "need" are already here.

We are going further and further down the rabbit hole with each day.
04/08/21 @ 23:22
Comment from: Iris [Visitor]
IrisThin the herd.
11/09/21 @ 13:38

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