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Rights, What Rights? There's a Pandemic With A 99.997% Survival Rate!

There is a judge in Florida that denied custody rights to a mother, because she didn't wear a face mask. Not to mention that at the beginning of the "Pandemic" Dr. Fauci said that we didn't need to be running around with face masks on. We need them for the healthcare workers. That was right before he said that we do all need to be wearing masks.
Melanie Joseph wants to see her son, but a judge won’t let her — for no reason except that she won’t wear a mask.
Joseph’s 14-year-old son has asthma, a condition that could put him at risk of contracting COVID-19 during this pandemic, court filings show.
Broward Circuit Judge Dale Cohen called the mother an “anti-mask person” who had the “audacity” to brag about it on Facebook.
Conservatives take issue with the decision, but it illustrates how judges in family court now must consider the health risks of COVID-19 on top of juggling the interests of feuding ex-spouses, single parents and reluctant child-support payers.
An appeals court quickly overturned the decision, and the child’s estranged parents eventually resolved their custody disagreement.
The survival rate amongst children is so high, there's no need for any concern --asthma or not. I wrote about this in September of last year, the survival rate was known before this judge made his decision.
There were two more court cases, also in Florida that went the same way, then another in New York!
Last week, Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Bernard Shapiro suspended Dr. Theresa Greene’s custody rights to her four-year-old daughter. The judge agreed with her ex-husband’s contention that Greene’s work as an emergency room physician in Plantation posed a risk that she might infect the child with COVID-19. Judge Shapiro decided the husband would have full custody rights for the duration of the pandemic.
“It's cruel to ask me to choose between my child and the oath I took as a physician," Dr. Greene told CNN.
On Tuesday, the Third District Court of Appeals issued a stay, allowing Dr. Greene to retain custody until the matter can be thrashed out in court. A similar custody claim involving an emergency medical technician has been filed in Orlando. The New York Times reported last week that a New Jersey doctor was only allowed to retain custody of her children after she promised not to treat coronavirus patients.
The pandemic, apparently, has added an asterisk to the Hippocratic Oath.
Of course, such decisions aren’t without a perverse kind of logic. Call it plague logic. We can add warped ethics to the list of coronavirus symptoms. Fevers, dry coughs, a willingness to sacrifice grandma.
Remember "follow the science?" In court, the science doesn't get you very far.
This is a case where judges are ruling based on false data trumpeted by the news media. Hysterical reporting and Fake News narratives do have consequences. The only question is, will you be impacted by those consequences?
You thought you had rights, well we'll see about that! The state can use any "crisis" to limit those rights, even if the crisis is perpetuated by hysteria, not facts.
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