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Children and mRNA Vaccines, Trust In The Science They Say

Permalink 03/16/21 18:37, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics

I have seen a lot of conflicting data when it comes to the COVID-19 mRNA "vaccines." The case to give these untested drugs to children is simply absurd!

This MSN article presents many more questions than answers. "Drugmakers Push Vaccines for Kids Amid Debate Over Need for Shot"

Historically, pediatric vaccines have focused on killer childhood diseases, but the pandemic has thrown a curve into that thinking. While the virus has been a deadly force among older adults, it’s been shown to be mild in the young with deaths relatively minimal.

That’s sparked an emerging debate among scientists about how critical it is that children be immunized. Some say the case for inoculating kids is less pressing, given that their outcomes tend to be so much better. Worldwide, the rollout of vaccines has prioritized older people and others at risk because of their health or occupation.

“Vaccines for polio, diphtheria and meningitis were all geared to eliminate the most dangerous diseases in children,” said Michael Hefferon, an assistant professor in the pediatrics department at Queen’s University in Ontario. “We now have almost the opposite. It’s a disease of adults, and the older you get the more sinister it is. Therefore children are less relevant.”

Why are scientists moving to treat patients who are at the minimal risk? This is a DNA altering drug, not sunscreen!

The American Academy of Pediatrics agrees. In a Feb. 25 letter to the White House and top U.S. health officials, the group’s president, Lee Savio Beers, wrote that having a Covid-19 vaccine for children “is essential for our nation to end the pandemic.”

Children “have suffered throughout the pandemic in ways both seen and unseen,” she wrote. “We cannot allow children to be an afterthought when they have shared so much burden throughout this pandemic.”

Follow the science right? Giving children experimental drugs because you don't want them to feel left out -- is not science. In fact it's the opposite of science. It's administering drugs based on an emotional response.

The science says that children are at minimal risk, and should not be vaccinated, much less exposing them to something that will offer little to no benefit, but does have the possibility of adverse, even deadly, reactions.

The entire response to the COVID-19 has been strange. It seems that the pharmaceutical companies were in a race to get a vaccine, before we really knew why the high risk patients -- were even high risk. Normally studies would be centered on making sure that patients reacting poorly to exposure have treatments available. Vaccines ignore those who are already sick. Vaccines are a preventative drug, not a treatment. This whole process has been backwards.

Today I saw this article. CDC shortens Covid social distancing guidelines for kids in school to 3 feet with masks

The CDC said it continues to recommend at least six feet distance between adults in schools and between adults and students. It also still recommends six feet social distancing in common areas, when eating, during in-door activities, such as band practice and sports, and in settings outside of the classroom.

“CDC is committed to leading with science and updating our guidance as new evidence emerges,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said in a statement. “Safe in-person instruction gives our kids access to critical social and mental health services that prepare them for the future, in addition to the education they need to succeed.”

Science is about consistence. If six feet is still needed between adults and children, why would it be any different between two children? None of this makes any sense. None of this is based on science.

In the next few paragraphs you see the real reason why 3 feet is now allowed, and it's not based on science.

“What the CDC wants to do is they want to accumulate data and when the data shows that there is an ability to be 3 feet they will act accordingly,” Fauci told CNN. “I can assure you within a reasonable amount of time, quite reasonable, they will be giving guidelines according to the data they have.”

President Joe Biden has made safely reopening the nation’s schools for in-person learning a focus of his first 100 days in office. Some parents have been forced to stay at home to watch their children instead of going to work.

The administration has said it is pouring $10 billion from the recently passed stimulus package into Covid-19 testing for schools in an effort to hasten the return to in-person learning across the country. The money will be used in part to provide diagnostic tests to symptomatic teachers, staff and students, as well as those who don’t have symptoms but might have been exposed to an infectious person.

So it's six feet, wear a mask, wash your hands... Unless we have to get kids back to school within the remaining 42 days of Biden's first 100 days in office. The end of Biden's first 100 days lands on April 30, 2021.

Furthermore, if it's OK for kids to be (3) feet apart, then why push the vaccine, for those least effected?

Follow the science, right?

03-22-21 ***************** UPDATE BELOW *****************

Former FDA Chief Says Social Distancing Mandate "Wasn’t Based on Clear Science."

Former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said that the six-foot social distancing mandate that was employed across much of the United States and the world to deal with the CCP virus pandemic “wasn’t based on clear science.”

“This six-foot distancing requirement has probably been the single costliest mitigation tactic that we’ve employed in response to COVID … and it really wasn’t based on clear science. … We should have re-adjudicated this much earlier,” he said in an interview with CNBC.

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04/15/21 @ 15:44

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