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The G20, Vaccine Passports, and Social Credit Systems, We Know Where This Leads

Permalink 11/21/22 18:14, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Strange_News, U.S. Economy, Financial Reform Legislation, Elections

As they say, "It always starts small." As was the case with vaccine passports, they were just a consideration last I heard. However, the idea of a healthcare passport system has grown quite substantially -- outside of public view, with the help of Western Media, and their lack of coverage. This will become one of the largest government power grabs in the history of human-kind. But for some reason, it's not news worthy?

I wrote about this before. In 2020, they were just "possibly" exploring a vaccine passport system. But it was always the case that they were going to require people to show proof of vaccination at some point, and they did in many countries. They were spending large sums of money on it already, and the usual suspects were involved. On the one hand, world leaders are telling people, "No, we're not looking into making a digital vaccine passport system." On the other hand they are spending money on the development -- of a digital vaccine passport system. Nothing to see here.

The Common Trust Network, an initiative by Geneva-based nonprofit The Commons Project and the World Economic Forum, has partnered with several airlines including Cathay Pacific, JetBlue, Lufthansa, Swiss Airlines, United Airlines and Virgin Atlantic, as well as hundreds of health systems across the United States and the government of Aruba.

The CommonPass app created by the group allows users to upload medical data such as a Covid-19 test result or, eventually, a proof of vaccination by a hospital or medical professional, generating a health certificate or pass in the form of a QR code that can be shown to authorities without revealing sensitive information. For travel, the app lists health pass requirements at the points of departure and arrival based on your itinerary.

“You can be tested every time you cross a border. You cannot be vaccinated every time you cross a border,” Thomas Crampton, chief marketing and communications officer for The Commons Project, told CNN Business. He stressed the need for a simple and easily transferable set of credentials, or a “digital yellow card,” referring to the paper document generally issued as proof of vaccination.

It’s also unclear how effective the vaccines are in stopping the transmission of the virus, says Dr. Julie Parsonnet, an infectious disease specialist at Stanford University. So while a vaccine passport app will show that you’ve received the shot, it may not be a guarantee that you safely attend an event or get on a flight.

“We still don’t know if vaccinated people can transmit infection or not,” she told CNN Business. “Until that is clarified, we won’t know whether ‘passports’ will be effective.”

We now know that the vaccines don't stop infection, or the spread of COVID-19. So, the entire basis for the digital passport system is illegitimate. But that hasn't stopped members of the G20 from pushing it anyway.

The leaders from 20 countries at the recent G20 Summit signed a declaration which states they agree to adopt vaccine passports to “facilitate” all international travel.

The current membership of the G20 accounts for more than 66 percent of the world’s population and includes Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Japan, India, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, and European Union.

The two-day summit concluded in Bali, Indonesia yesterday and consisted of talks between the G20 member countries. Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum (WEF) Chair, also attended.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Technology Review states, This new social order will seem unthinkable to most people in so-called free countries. But any change can quickly become normal if people accept it. The new normal will be that we are used to the idea that in some cases being able to move around freely is dependent on us being able to show that we're healthy. There will be a greater acceptance, I think, of that kind of public health monitoring.”

Seriously, who says things like, "This new social order...?" How are people not to expect something is up? I thought all of the World Economic Forum, Great Reset, New World Order stuff was a "conspiracy theory." Someone better get a handle on those conspiracy nuts over at MIT!

Vaccine status is not an indicator of overall health. As was pointed out above by Dr. Julie Parsonnet. So, what is the real reason behind this? Why have people show proof of compliance, if that proof doesn't indicate health status?

It's pretty simple really, CONTROL. The people who are pushing these systems will be the same people who will limit one's movement based on compliance, or lack there of, with some government mandated vaccine schedule. It's naïve to believe that any of this is health related. Health was the excuse used to get this tracking system in place, and it's only loosely connected at that.

No government gains new powers, only to give them back. There's no doubt that this system will be used to limit the movement of people based on whether or not they are following government directives. Once in place, it will balloon into a social credit system (like China is toying around with) because health was never truly the goal for this system.

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Comment from: Charles Rathbun [Visitor]
Charles RathbunI forwarded the link about the g20 and vaccines to a friend and then went back this morning to the original link I had sent and got a 403 forbidden link. Neither of these people are spammers. We're just friends who like your blog.
11/27/22 @ 09:11
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesCharles Rathbun,

It should work. I'm not blocking people.
11/27/22 @ 11:54

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