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Permalink 09/18/21 00:37, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, Health Care, Strange_News

Yes, this Grenada!

There's a serious outbreak of COVID-19 in Grenada, but the timing it what makes it so interesting. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Grenada has had an extremely low infection rate. But just over the past 30 or so days, Grenada has experienced a massive spike in cases.

Click on the image below to see full size.

These spikes have happened everywhere at some point or another. The timing is What makes the spike in Grenada interesting. Grenada's COVID-19 infection rate has been flat for nearly the entire year. Much flatter than most other countries.

Grenada has a relatively small population, so the data coming from there is more accurate than some of the larger countries.

Click on the image below to see full size.

Grenada imported the AstraZeneca vaccine in February 2021, and the cases remained flat. On August 19 Grenada imported the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine. The government of Grenada started an aggressive program to get people vaccinated as soon as the Pfizer vaccine was imported, then a huge spike occurred. Is this a coincidence? You be the judge.

It's hard to explain how Grenada was pretty much COVID free for nearly the whole year, and then they start seeing a huge spike in cases -- right around the time they start administering the Pfizer vaccine. That's very suspicious to say the least.

Tell me what you think.

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Comment from: Bubba [Visitor]
Bubbadebated this issue with an uncle who is fully vaxxed last nite. He refuses to listen, as his daughter who is fully woke besides, hasn't even wanted him out of the house in two yrs. He's 87. He refuses to think the jab causes covid. I'll sent this to him AND his daughter. Thanks
01/24/22 @ 10:40
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesBubba,

Don't misunderstand. I don't think that the vaccine itself causes COVID, but I do think that it damages people's immune systems making them more susceptible to infection.

You might want to take a peek at this post as well. A lab scientist explains how he tested COVID swabs in the Flu analyzer and they came up positive for Flu. There's some more there too.
01/24/22 @ 13:22
Comment from: Fabian Spieker [Visitor]
Fabian SpiekerGood thinking :)
02/09/23 @ 11:36

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