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See Why They Are Pushing Vaccines So Hard?

Permalink 09/13/21 18:29, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, Politics, U.S. Economy

In case you haven't been paying attention; a new vaccine mandate has been issued by the federal government.

We now know that the vaccines are ineffective against the Delta Variant. So, why all the push now? Well, the answer might not be what you are expecting.

Since the onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic, people have worked together for the most part. There was no real contention between those who were infected, vs. those where were not. People isolated at home, had food delivered to their front door, and things were working without much stress. Amazon was making tons of money.

In come the vaccines. As soon as it was announced that there was a vaccine that would provide immunity, people jumped on-board, because they were promised that the lockdowns and mask mandates would eventually be eliminated. Those restrictions would be lifted once we met some magic percentage of the population that were vaccinated. However, this didn't account for the number of people who had already been infected with COVID-19 and recovered from it. It also didn't account for the fact that as time went on, more data came out which showed that the vaccines didn't do nearly what was promised at the onset. This made people leery of taking the vaccine, especially those people who had already recovered.

Once it was found that the vaccines didn’t provide nearly the level of protection that was promised, did the government change their outlook on vaccinations? No, they doubled down on them. Government officials went on television and told the public that it’s the unvaccinated people who are really spreading the virus. “We need to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated?” Of course this makes no sense, because if you’re vaccinated, you shouldn’t have to worry about the virus. That was the entire point of the vaccine, or any vaccine for that matter. Then data comes out that shows that the vaccinated who are infected carry a greater viral load than those where are unvaccinated. Meaning that those who are vaccinated can spread the virus just as easily, if not easier, than those who are unvaccinated. Not only was the original premise false, but the reality was literally the other was around. Why would government officials go on television and say something that they know is false? I believe these polls will show you exactly why.

The entire vaccine push has been about division. And recent polling proves this. More Democrats are more worried about the unvaccinated than are worried about China, The Taliban, Russia, and Illegal Immigration. What this data tells us is that the population, at least a large part of the population, has bought into the vaccine propaganda.

Then you have polling showing that people are losing friends over the whole vaccinated vs. unvaccinated argument.

NEW YORK — The coronavirus vaccine has been an incredibly divisive topic, and now it’s even ending friendships. Vaccinated Americans have called it quits with friends who refuse to get the COVID-19 shot, according to a new poll.

A survey of 1,000 Americans – conducted by OnePoll on Sept. 2 – examined why people have ended friendships in the last year and a half. Results show 16 percent of respondents have axed three pals from their lives since the pandemic began in March 2020.

Of those who ended a friendship, 66 percent are vaccinated and 17 percent don’t ever plan to receive the shot. Fourteen percent of vaccinated respondents — about 1 in 7 — say they parted ways with friends who didn’t want to get the vaccine. Even “Friends” and “The Morning Show” star Jennifer Aniston claims she’s ended friendships over vaccination beliefs.

Once you see these numbers and realize what’s going on, you can understand why the government has spread misinformation about their own program. It's helping to divide people on a large scale. If division is your objective, then these numbers are very promising.

These recent moves have all been to divide people. And the numbers are showing, it’s working. Now they have enacted mandates, to make those people who don’t want the vaccine a second class citizens, even furthering the divide.

Now you have to ask yourself, who benefits from all of this? Who can get more done with the country divided? I'll give you the short answer, the enemies of The United States, that's who benefits from this. The Biden regime wants division. At the end of the day, there can be no other reason for pushing a vaccine that’s minimally effective.

They are trying to divide the people because divided we are easier to control. Think mandates, vaccine passports, how else are they going to get a majority of the population to go along with these measures. Why do you think that the UK just dropped the vaccine passport idea, at least for now? Because the people of the UK are not divided enough for these measures to work.

Sky News — “If you divide any society into two distinct classes of people you have abandoned liberty and democracy and replaced it with tyranny, fear and suspicion.”

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