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FDA Opens The Door To A Nationwide Healthcare Worker Shortage Via Forced Vaccinations

Permalink 08/23/21 18:01, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, On the web, Politics, Health Care, Elections

(Originally posted 08/23/21)

I'm going to keep this at the top of the page for a while, because I think it's important that people understand what is going on. There have been two updates about hospital "closures / reduction of services" since I first posted this. They are referenced below.

Newer posts will be below this post.

This is a point of contention for many people within the healthcare industry, and in general. Now that the vaccines are approved for use by the FDA, more mandates are on the way. Not only that, but the approval was pushed ahead, it wasn't supposed to happen until after Labor Day.

There are many in the healthcare industry that don't want to take the vaccine, for too many reasons to list here. This is widely known. There have been large demonstrations by healthcare workers opposing the vaccine mandates by their employers.

The employer mandates are going to lead to an inevitable shortage of healthcare workers as many will quit their jobs before they will take the mandated vaccines. Couple that with the fact that many of the nations hospital systems are already strained.

Hospitals and lawmakers in states gripped by the Delta variant are offering nurses tens of thousands of dollars in signing bonuses, rewriting job descriptions so paramedics can care for patients and pleading for federal help to beef up their crisis-fatigued health care workforces.

The alarming spread of new cases is draining the pool of available health workers in ways not seen since the pandemic’s winter peak, forcing officials to improvise and tear up rules dictating who cares for whom. Governors and hospital directors warn that the staffing crisis is so acute that patients, whether suffering from Covid-19, a heart attack or the effects of a car accident, can no longer expect the level of care that might have been available six weeks ago.

“The scenario we feared in 2020 is, unfortunately, now, a reality,” said Becky Hultberg, president of the Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems, which is calling in the National Guard for help and suspending many non-emergency surgeries as it nears its ICU capacity.

09-03-21 Update: Poll in Ohio shows just how far this might go.

A survey by an Ohio nurses’ union for the University of Cincinnati Medical Center (UCMC) found that almost a third of respondents would quit their jobs if UCMC officially finalized a Covid vaccine mandate, of which the hospital has made a preliminary announcement.

While UCMC did agree to “negotiate the vaccine policy” with the nurses’ union, according to Mendiola, the first date that was set for bargaining, August 23, fell through. “They canceled due to stating that they were unable to allow two of our nurses off of the floor for four hours to do the bargaining due to staffing concerns,” Mendiola explained.

The nurses union couldn't even negotiate the vaccine policy, because the hospital couldn't afford to let two nurses off for four hours to negotiate. They can't negotiate with the union --do to staff shortages. Wouldn't that be reason enough to drop the vaccine mandate policy? The absurdity of the situation is amazing. As a patient, would this situation instill confidence in the decision making capabilities of hospital and its employees?

Pushing up the vaccine approval has necessarily caused many within the healthcare industry, opposed to mandates, to look for work elsewhere. Meanwhile there's a shortage of healthcare workers nationwide. I believe this was done on purpose. Because this will put even more pressure on people to become vaccinated.

Notice how the narrative on the vaccines have shifted since the beginning. At first the vaccine was going to prevent people from catching SARS-Cov-2, then that was walked back. Then it was going to reduce the spread of SARS-Cov-2, then that was walked back. Now we're all the way down to, "The vaccines might reduce your symptoms should you contract SARS-Cov-2."

The people who have already been vaccinated have questions now. They were sold a bill of goods. The vaccinated are worried and looking for answers, but science doesn't have a good answer for them.

Anecdotes tell us what the data can’t: Vaccinated people appear to be getting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate. But exactly how often isn’t clear, nor is it certain how likely they are to spread the virus to others.

All that said, some facts are well established at this point. Vaccinated people infected with the virus are much less likely to need to go to the hospital, much less likely to need intubation and much less likely to die from the illness. There’s no doubt that vaccines provide significant protection. But a large proportion of the nation -- almost 30% of U.S. adults -- have not been vaccinated, a fact that has conspired with the highly contagious delta variant to push the country into a new wave of outbreaks.

For the time being, there are simply more questions than answers. Are breakthrough infections ticking up because of the delta variant, waning immunity or a return to normal life? Are vaccinated people more vulnerable to severe illness than previously thought? Just how common are breakthrough infections? It’s anyone’s guess.

“It is generally the case that we have to make public health decisions based on imperfect data,” Frieden said. “But there is just a lot we don’t know.”

09-15-21 Update: Another hospital might have to close because of the vaccine mandate.

This stands to reason. The people who were working on the front line, hospital workers and emergency personnel "essential employees" already took on the risk of infection. Many were infected and recovered. Since they took on the risk of infection, they're being told that it wasn't enough. Now they have to submit to taking a vaccine that might pose a great risk to their health --with literally zero benefit. These workers know better. They were there at the peak of the pandemic, they can't be convinced now that they are going to drop dead without a vaccine. If the virus was a serious threat to these people they would know it by now.

The entire narrative has been blown apart, there is no more logical "scientific" leverage for the vaccines. That's why they are taking people's choices away, because they knew that they were going to loose the argument from the start. If what they have said, and are saying were true. People wouldn't need to be coerced into taking the vaccine. There wouldn't be vaccine lotteries and all of the other wacky ideas they've come up with to bribe people into taking the vaccine.

Remember this. If the vaccine is mandated at any point --it was never voluntary. Of course people will argue that it's still voluntary, like the income tax. You don't have to pay income taxes either, they are officially voluntary in the United States, but if you don't pay your income taxes, the IRS will seize your assets and you'll end up in jail. Those are your options for the voluntary income tax. The vaccine mandates will operate in much the same way.

09-24-21 Update:

Now we hear that COVID will be like the common cold. What they forget to mention is that it was already like the common cold!

Professor Dame Sarah Gilbert and Sir John Bell have both said coronavirus will eventually cause illness which are as mild as a common cold, playing down fears of a more deadly variant and adding the UK "is over the worst".

"Those who do not get vaccinated will immunize themselves naturally, because the Delta variant is so contagious," he added.

"In this way we will end up in a situation similar to that of the flu. You can either get vaccinated and have a good winter. Or you don't do it and risk getting sick and possibly even ending up in hospital."

Asked if that meant a return to normal in the second half of next year, he said: "As of today, in a year, I assume."

People are rarely hospitalized for the flu. Another thing to consider, do they perform flu tests for everyone that walks in the E.R. --right now? Did they ever test everyone that came into the E.R. for the flu? They test everyone that comes into the E.R. for COVID --regardless of why they are there. My friend works at a local hospital, and a patient was telling her about it. He thought it was odd that they tested him for COVID because he was in there due to a work-related injury to his arm. He tested positive, but he wasn't sick. I wonder why the COVID numbers are so high?

09-28-21 Update:

New York healthcare workers will be FIRED if not vaccinated.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul said she is not budging on a vaccine mandate for healthcare workers and vowed to those who do not get the shot by the September 27 deadline that 'we will be replacing people.'

Hochul reiterated her hardened stance even as some hospitals face staff shortages and a lawsuit was launched by 17 doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals who say New York's requirement violates their constitutional rights in various ways.

'To all the healthcare providers, doctors and nurses in particular who are vaccinated, I say thank you. Because you are keeping true to your oath,' Hochul told WHAM-TV during a visit to Rochester on Wednesday.

'To those who won't, we will be replacing people.'

This sounds much less like a "thank you" and more like, "If you don't tow the party line, we'll find someone who will."

The governor's answer to this, is to call in the National Guard to make up for the staffing shortages --because of their own vaccine mandates.

New York Gov. Hochul said Friday that the state will deploy the National Guard to fill expected staff shortages as unvaccinated nurses and hospital workers are fired effective tonight.

The governor of New York is calling in The National Guard to staff hospitals because of worker shortages brought on by a government mandate. How will they spin this to blame it on the "unvaccinated."

SARS-CoV-2; greater than 99% chance of survival, until age 69. The Pfizer vaccine is now approved for people aged 16 and up. Follow the science...

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