Archives for: March 2010
CNN is trying hard to make Health Care Reform Takeover a good thing...

I find it interesting that CNN starts out their article this way.
Washington (CNN) - Most Americans disapprove of the health care reform law, but that does not translate into majority support for the "repeal and replace" strategy backed by most GOP… more »
The Health Care Reform Takeover Bill passes and all of a sudden Tea Partiers attack?

If you pay attention to the news, as of late, you might be thinking that everyone at a Tea Party gathering is a wacko just waiting to crack some skulls! On the contrary it's a much more relaxed atmosphere from what I hear.
I find it interesting that… more »
Dick Armey , "This thing isn't over until it's over."

You tell'em Dick!
I agree. I think that there is going to be a huge effort on behalf of the media to make it appear as if this was a great victory. The spin has already started with the praise of Nancy Pelosi. Apparently you are a genius if you can b… more »
The "moment of truth" is looming...

It looks like the dems just might have this government takeover wrapped up. This is soft tyranny.
-- Freedom, as defined by the founding fathers of the United States of America, means:
Freedom to make life choices --without government coercion.… more »
Let the Health Care Bill Takeover Die!

There's a piece of legislation so toxic that nobody wants to vote for it. With this bill so hated, why vote for it? Why even fake the vote? Just let it die!
Republicans and Democrats are locked in an unusual battle over how to vote on the health ca… more »
I Hate to Be a Sour Puss, But...

There are many things to look at when considering the future of the country. There are of course the job loss numbers, which are counted in the most ridiculous manor, based on those who are still collecting unemployment.
Then there is the debt to inc… more »
If the Lie is Big Enough...

There are few interesting things happening here. There is a congressman from Michigan, Bart Stupak, who says that he won't vote for the health care bill if the abortion measure is NOT removed. In other words Stupak is Pro-Life.
The current democrat p… more »