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Dick Armey , "This thing isn't over until it's over."

You tell'em Dick!
I agree. I think that there is going to be a huge effort on behalf of the media to make it appear as if this was a great victory. The spin has already started with the praise of Nancy Pelosi. Apparently you are a genius if you can buy people off.
A triumphant Speaker Nancy Pelosi compared the legislation to the passage of Social Security in 1935 and Medicare 30 years later.
A genius wouldn't compare the health care bill they just passed with two of the largest examples of government failure in recent U.S. history! On a similar note, Obama used the U.S. Postal Service as an example of how a public option health insurance plan wouldn't negatively effect the private sector. Obama pointed out the failures of the USPS and it's inability to adequately compete with UPS and FedEx. Now that's the way to sell your idea! Maybe these people are geniuses...
This has to be recognized as one of the greatest threats to Freedom and Liberty this country has ever faced! I think a lot of people understand that now, but more need to be made aware.
There is one major point that many have missed. Most of the large group health insurance plans brokered by employers won't reinstate until next year. The major health insurance price increases come after the November elections. The problem here is that many Americans are not going to see any change in their health costs until after the 2010 elections. So everything will appear nice and calm, until after the elections. Don't think that this was done by accident.
We need leaders who will put this bill to death legislatively. We can't count on the Supreme Court to rule the bill unconstitutional, even if the main crux of it is.
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Thirty-six other States are preparing their legal defense against this insidious Marxist takeover of America (that has been planned and underway for about 100 years).
This is far from over.
Here's THE KEY: PRAYER. God is in control. Be faithful, and that does NOT mean lay back and be a blind, useless slug when it comes to politics. Being faithful means having the conviction of right and wrong, having the discernment between genuine concern and cleverly disguised enslavement dressed in politically-correct catch-phrases.

The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 basically institutionalized something that I know little about, but I believe is called "fractionalized lending." It removed the power to own our currency from the American people (elected Congressional officials, i.e., the Constitution explicitly states that Congress coins money and holds the purse strings) into the hands of PRIVATE European globalist bankers. It was "universal, single-payer/provider banking." Sounded great--at the time. However, it forfeited the ability for Americans to ever control their own currency, and guaranteed that the U.S. would always be in a debt relationship with these "single-payer/provider" bankers.
This health care bill is no different. Sounds good on the surface. But if you have any discernment for TRUTH, you can see what is really going on. It guarantees enslavement of health services and TRILLIONS of dollars of our wealth to bureaucrats (basically, UNelected "czars", or officials--no different from the private bankers).
Not sure who actually said this (attributed to Churchill, but disputed), but it's true: "If you're not a liberal when you're young--you have no heart. If you're not a conservative when your older, you have no brain."

I agree lying back and watching is NOT an option. I have heard some people say that we should just sit back, because there is nothing that we can do anyway. I disagree, I think that there are things we can do. I think we have to do our part to expose these people for what they really are. We need to educate people. If there is to be any remaining part of our way of life; it will be because people have learned to see through the lies and false hope.
Of course, this task will be daunting because of the lack of most of the voting public's historical background.

Once the American people realize that this is not about education, control, power, money or anything else the socialists have stolen from us, we will once again have a great nation. What IS this about? Spiritual discernment. This is a demonic attack by the One Worlders (i.e., Marxist-Utopians).
I firmly believe that the United States will not fall into Marxist control until Jesus comes and raptures all Christians away. Christians wrote the Declaration, Constitution, Mayflower Compact, etc ... Also, 45 of the 50 State Constitutions begin by dedicating that State to God, Jesus Christ, and/or the propagation of the Gospel. These were the same men who wrote the First Amendment, so clearly there is no intention of "separation of church and state," just the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT'S exclusion from state affairs to shove a nationalized church, or nationalized ANYTHING, down our throats. But I digress ...
Point is, the United States will not be allowed to fall into the enemy's hands as along as Christians are Americans and love God. It will be a fight (non-violent, unless the Marxists start murdering their enemies again like they did under Lenin, Stalin, Castro, etc ...), but one that is worth it and one that will glorify God.
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