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The Health Care Reform Takeover Bill passes and all of a sudden Tea Partiers attack?

Permalink 03/27/10 10:49, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Health Care

If you pay attention to the news, as of late, you might be thinking that everyone at a Tea Party gathering is a wacko just waiting to crack some skulls! On the contrary it's a much more relaxed atmosphere from what I hear.

I find it interesting that all of these complaints are coming out at the same time. You would figure that the democrats would have taken a lesson from the "Run Away Prius" guy. These kinds of claims are not believable when they all happens at the same time. Democrats act as if some memo went out to the Tea Party members saying, "Let's all try and look like fools now. Let's insight violence!" These claims of violence and racist slurs are obviously false. Here is an example.

I feel that the administration wants to draw public attention away from these events:

==> Binyamin Netanyahu humiliated after Barack Obama 'dumped him for dinner'

For a head of government to visit the White House and not pose for photographers is rare. For a key ally to be left to his own devices while the President withdraws to have dinner in private was, until this week, unheard of. Yet that is how Binyamin Netanyahu was treated by President Obama on Tuesday night, according to Israeli reports on a trip viewed in Jerusalem as a humiliation.

After failing to extract a written promise of concessions on settlements, Mr Obama walked out of his meeting with Mr Netanyahu but invited him to stay at the White House, consult with advisers and “let me know if there is anything new”, a US congressman, who spoke to the Prime Minister, said.

“It was awful,” the congressman said. One Israeli newspaper called the meeting “a hazing in stages”, poisoned by such mistrust that the Israeli delegation eventually left rather than risk being eavesdropped on a White House telephone line. Another said that the Prime Minister had received “the treatment reserved for the President of Equatorial Guinea”.

We have a president who wants to have open talks with Iran, but won't talk with the only ally we have in the region? What is that all about?

==> Cuban leader applauds US health-care reform bill

HAVANA (AP) -- It perhaps was not the endorsement President Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress were looking for.

Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on Thursday declared passage of American health care reform "a miracle" and a major victory for Obama's presidency, but couldn't help chide the United States for taking so long to enact what communist Cuba achieved decades ago.

"We consider health reform to have been an important battle and a success of his (Obama's) government," Castro wrote in an essay published in state media, adding that it would strengthen the president's hand against lobbyists and "mercenaries."

Now that's good news for Obama! This is not the first time that Obama has received the praise of our enemies.

==> Obama readies steps to fight foreclosures, particularly for unemployed

Is that title not an oxymoron!?

The Obama administration plans to overhaul how it is tackling the foreclosure crisis, in part by requiring lenders to temporarily slash or eliminate monthly mortgage payments for many borrowers who are unemployed, senior officials said Thursday.

The new push, which the White House is scheduled to announce Friday, takes direct aim at the major cause of the current wave of foreclosures: the spike in unemployment. While the initial mortgage crisis that erupted three years ago resulted from millions of risky home loans that went bad, more-recent defaults reflect the country's economic downturn and the inability of jobless borrowers to keep paying.

Exactly how will demanding that lenders not collect money going to help the job market? I fail to see the connection here.

==> Transportation Department Embraces Bikes, and Business Groups Cry Foul

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has announced a “major policy revision” that aims to give bicycling and walking the same policy and economic consideration as driving.

“Today I want to announce a sea change,” he wrote on his blog last week. “This is the end of favoring motorized transportation at the expense of nonmotorized.”

Transportation agencies are urged to take action on a number of fronts, including the creation of pathways for bike riders and pedestrians on bridges, and providing children with safe biking and walking routes to schools.

They are also encouraged to find ways to make such improvements in concert with road maintenance projects and to protect sidewalks and bike lanes in the same manner as roads (by clearing them of snow, for example).

Mr. LaHood also indicated the department is discouraging “transportation investments that negatively affect cyclists and pedestrians.”

Is this really that important? What happened to the president's "Laser Focus on Jobs"? Considering that the U.S. government is now the proud owner of an automobile manufacturer (General Motors) you would think it would be in their best interest, and ours now that we own GM, to maintain the roads for "real" traffic. Let's face it, if there is an emergency, are they going to send first responders on bikes? There are obvious reasons why the roadways are more important than bike lanes.

The articles above are why the "Tea Party Violence" distractions are so important to democrats. The Obama administration is doing more to hurt this country than help it. The media is doing the best they can to disguise what is happening.

Where are all of the jobs? I thought the first "Stimulus" was supposed to keep unemployment below 8.5%; that didn't happen. Where did all of the money go? Who was "Stimulated"? Why are these questions not being asked by the media? Is it that nobody cares? I don't buy that for a minute.

The American people need to wake up completely before November. We must "give the boot" to every member of congress who had anything to do with the passing of the health care reform bill. Those who voted for HCR are unfit to hold office. The representatives who voted to pass the HCR bill are either too ignorant to read and understand its implications, or they have a blatant disregard for the Constitution of the United States. Either way they are unfit to hold office and have broken the public trust.

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