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CNN is trying hard to make Health Care Reform Takeover a good thing...

I find it interesting that CNN starts out their article this way.
Washington (CNN) - Most Americans disapprove of the health care reform law, but that does not translate into majority support for the "repeal and replace" strategy backed by most GOP leaders, according to a new national poll.
They attempt to spin it to look as if the dislike of the bill does not equal a want to remove it. There is a disconnect here. I guarantee that anyone who understands the implications of this health care bill will want it repealed. For crying out loud; the only thing bipartisan about the bill was the opposition to it! Why else would democrats have been so worried about getting the votes to pass it?
Tell me that the questions are not leading. It starts at 16 don't ask me why. Let me list a few:
16. Which of the following statements best describes your views about the health care bill that Congress passed this week:
Mar. 25-28
2010You approve of the bill becoming law and have no
reservations about it - 15%You approve of the bill becoming law but you think it did
not go far enough - 27%You disapprove of the bill becoming law but you support
a few of its proposals - 31%
You disapprove of the bill becoming law and oppose
all of its proposals - 25%No opinion - 1%
That makes 56% who disaprove. Not everything in the bill is nasty, but the vast majority of it is. Lets read on...
17. Thinking about the health care bill that Congress passed this week, which of the following statements best describes your view of what Congress should do in the future?
Mar. 25-28
2010Congress should leave the bill as it is - 23%
Congress should make additional changes to increase the government's involvement in the nation's health care system - 27%
Congress should repeal most of the major provisions in that bill and replace them with a completely different set of proposals - 47%
No opinion - 3%
How does this number not equal "Repeal and Replace"?
18. Do you feel enthusiastic, pleased, displeased, or angry about the health care bill that Congress passed?
Mar. 25-28
2010Enthusiastic - 15%
Pleased - 30%
Displeased - 27%
Angry - 26%
Other (vol.) - 2%
No opinion - 1%
Call me crazy here, but couldn't you consider angry also displeased? That number is more like 53% displeased not 27%. I couldn't see someone in favor of the bill being angry that it passed.
19. From what you know of that legislation, do you think you and your family would, in general, be better off, worse off or about the same if it becomes law?
Mar. 25-28 Mar.
2010Better off - 22%
Worse off - 39%
About the same - 37%
No opinion - 1%
This plainly shows that nobody polled thinks that they will be better off. and for the last one...
19. From what you know of that legislation, do you think you and your family would, in general, be better off, worse off or about the same if it becomes law?
20. (IF WORSE OFF OR ABOUT THE SAME) Do you think other families in this country would be better off if that legislation becomes law, or do you think that legislation would not help anyone in the country?QUESTIONS 19 AND 20 COMBINED
Mar. 25-28 Mar. 19-21
2010Better off (from Question 19) - 22%
Better off for other families - 43%
Not help anyone - 29%
No opinion - 5%
Everyone agrees that we need to do something to curb the cost of health care, so the answer is always going to be better off for other families. The media has been throwing around this number of 46 million Americans, and 30 million American Citizens. They claim that the bill will allow for some of those people to get coverage, so people are going to assume that they will be better off. This just shows that most of the people polled have health care! 43% think that someone else might benefit from the bill's passage.
This last question is completely pointless.
Do you consider the passage of the health care bill to be a major victory for Obama, a minor accomplishment for Obama, or not a positive achievement at all?
Mar. 25-28
2010Major victory - 47%
Minor accomplishment - 20%
Not a positive achievement - 33%
No opinion *
This question is pointless and misleading. What does Obama's accomplishment, or lack of, have to do with the overall potential positive effect of the bill? These two questions make no sense together.
As you can see CNN is attempting to make things look more rosy than they are for the Obama administration. Most people are aware that this bill is going to do the opposite of what is proposed. Americans no that this country was not founded on "Rob Peter to pay Paul." The question is; what are we going to do about it?
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True. What we also forget is that of those 30 million CITIZENS (who is all we should concern ourselves with--health care is NOT a right, and neither is citizenship, owning a home, an education, a job, driving a Lexus, etc ...), the majority of them DO NOT WANT TO PURCHASE HEALTH INSURANCE. They are young, make good money, and they OPT TO BUY A BMW INSTEAD OF HEALTH INSURANCE. So now the Socialist-Liberal-Democrats pass legislation that--consistent with their worldview--removes responsibility for one's decisions and takes from those who ARE responsible, who HAVE sacrificed driving a BMW (sorry if this gets autobiographical a bit) all of their lives to provide for their families, and gives it to the young people who decided to buy a car or a boat instead of being responsible and covering themselves with insurance.
The actual number of American citizens who may want health insurance but do not have the means to purchase it is closer to 6 to 8 million.
So we pass a 2.2 TRILLION dollar piece of Marxist crap to cover 6 to 8 million people with inferior insurance to will not get them health care anyway (by the time the government guts the medical community). This is not new to anyone. The real goal of health care has NOTHING TO DO WITH HEALTH CARE. Again, it is all about power, corruption, control, and the ability to snuff out anyone who disagrees with what is going on with the One World Government movement.
Perhaps Obama is the well-meaning dupe being used as window dressing for this charade, but that's about the best that can be said for him. Deep down, however, I think he knows exactly what could be going on, but does not care.
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