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Why am I reading about this from the TimesOnline? Where is the American media?

Obama set to reject ‘nuclear posture’ on eve of Start deal with Russia
President Obama will rewrite America’s policy on nuclear weapons next week, heralding further reductions in the US stockpile and giving a pledge not to develop new systems.
After the President’s speech in Prague last April, when he laid out his personal vision of a world without nuclear weapons, the US has been carrying out a review of its nuclear posture and the conclusions are due to be published in a declassified version early next week — before Mr Obama flies back to Prague to sign the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (Start) with President Medvedev of Russia on April 8.
I have a few questions:
-- With all of the problems plaguing the country, why is disarmament even an issue?
-- With the U.S. being attacked in many ways and from many fronts; why would we want to disarm, and pledge to stop development?
-- At a time when more rouge nations are liable to become a nuclear threat; why would it make sense for the U.S. and Russia (two responsible nuclear nations) to disarm?
-- How will nuclear weapons reduction and help secure the country in any way?
-- Why am I asking these questions, not the U.S. media? Does this not effect all of us?
Obama's ignorant stance on nuclear weapons reminds me of a song by Rush. A line from the song "Manhattan Project"; while referring to atomic weapons (and their development) states, "The big shots tried to hold it back Fools tried to wish it away." Obama is a fool. Obama has a "personal vision of a world without nuclear weapons"!? Well isn't that nice.
Obama's vision of a world without nuclear weapons will result in a world --with nuclear weapons belonging to those most likely to use them. What Obama is doing will insure that the number of responsible nations with nuclear weapons is reduced, while countries like Iran move forward with weapon development.
Obama is the antithesis to Ronald Reagan. As the antithesis to Ronald Reagan; Obama (either directly, or by congress' legislation) will weaken the country economically, militarily, reduce our freedom and reduce America's influence on a global scale.
The 2010 elections are coming. Obama can be stopped by replacing members of congress. It's time we take The United States of America back from those who do not like this country the way it was was founded. Vote out those who show contempt for the United States Constitution. That is the only way to stop the downhill slide.
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