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Is there a French Connection? Oui Oui

An Iranian firm closely linked to Tehran's nuclear program acquired special hardware for enriching uranium, despite sanctions intended to keep such equipment out of Iran, according to officials with knowledge of the matter.
In recent weeks, the officials said, an Iranian procurement firm obtained critical valves and vacuum gauges made by a French company that until December was owned by U.S. industrial conglomerate Tyco International. The French and U.S. firms said they knew nothing of the case.
Western officials said the firm has been working since last year to procure nuclear materials on behalf of the Kalaye Electric Company, an Iranian firm involved in centrifuge research and development that is part of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. The officials said JMT also has sought to acquire magnets used in centrifuges systems during uranium enrichment.
Both Kalaye and the AEO were sanctioned by the U.N. in December 2006 for alleged nuclear activities. Iran says it has the right to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, including technology that could be used to build nuclear weapons.
I find this to be quite interesting. I'm not implying any foul play on behalf of the French, but it does seem strange that these things keep happening. Somehow they keep happening right after sanctions or trade embargoes are enacted.
Remember this?
U.S. Military Officer Dies in Rocket Barrage at Baghdad Hotel
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Oct. 26 — An American colonel was killed and at least 16 people were wounded early Sunday when a barrage of air-to-ground missiles from a homemade launchpad slammed into a highly protected hotel where Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz was staying.
Half the missiles were 68-millimeter, which have a range of two to three miles; the other half were 85-millimeter, with a three- to four-mile range, he said. The smaller ones were French-made, and designed for use by helicopters. The others were Russian. The French rockets, officers said, were quite new, and were probably purchased after the arms embargo was in place. "They were in pristine condition," said one military officer who inspected the rocket tubes and assembly.
Mr. Hussein had weapons of that type, but General Dempsey said he did not know if the missiles used the hotel attack came from Mr. Hussein's arsenal.
Considering all of the sanctions and embargoes; we should be done with all of this right? Oh that's right, there is absolutely no way to enforce U.N. agreements.
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Does anyone really believe that anyone besides Christians and Jews care about what is in the best interest of Israel and the United States? Think about the consolidation of power that can ensue if the "thorny political issue" that people blame on Israel were "eliminated."
Fools. And besides, eliminating Israel (wiping them off the face of the earth--Iran's stated goal) would not solve anything. The "Middle East" issue is solely caused by the false god of the Quaran/Islam.
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