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What to do... What to do...

Permalink 04/17/10 00:57, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web

I have the opportunity to upgrade to a different blog engine. I have considered using WordPress, because of its ease of use. I have less time now that I'm a father.

The only problem is that I have not yet found a converter that will move me from my current engine over to WordPress. This blog is maintained (at least text wise) using a database. The problem is that there are differences between the way that b2evolution (the blog engine I use) and WordPress access and configure the database. There are converters to move from b2evolution to WordPress, but they all have issues with correcting HTTP linking. For me that would be a huge problem, because I frequently link to other sources for my posts.

Anyway, if any of you out there know anything about blog engines in general or WordPress perhaps you could help me.

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1 comment

Comment from: Hollie [Visitor]
HolliePastor David uses TypePad and is very proficient with the sort of thing you're asking about.
He's also on Facebook, so you could message him for advice. Hope this helps.
06/21/10 @ 02:42

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