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Everything is a CRISIS!

Permalink 04/22/10 17:02, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Health Care

I think that "mass head explosions" are the goal of the Obama administration. How is it that every week there is a new crisis? How is it that every single "problem" that exists is blammed on the private sector. Can the government do no wrong?

Does the administration really expect everyone to believe that we have made it all the way up to now with a "broken" financial system. Obama claims; not just a broken financial system but one that is flawed by design. Obama doesn't believe in a free-market system. If Obama believed in a free market system, we would not have General Motors --owned primarily by the U.S. government.

The U.S. Treasury holds a 60.8 percent stake in the common stock of GM, Export Development Canada 11.7 percent, the United Auto Workers healthcare trust 17.5 percent and old GM, now known as Motors Liquidation, holds 10 percent.

Remember, Obama doesn't want to run car companies.

We now have a govnerment doing exactly what it wants, the will of the people be damned. If you ask me, we are either nearing our end, or at one of the most crucial turning points in American history.

The latter would be my wish.

p.s. I was ahead of the news on the General Motors payback...

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