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Immigration is a CUT and DRY issue to those of us in the real world.

Permalink 04/24/10 15:04, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics

Arizona just passed a tough immigration law.

Those who support tougher immigration laws are on the right side of history. Considering that the United States is composed entirely of immigrants, from somewhere, we have a long history of profiling. How, you may ask; it's simple, I'll explain. In order to determine that the country is composed of immigrants one must first discern what an immigrant is. Highlights Magazine has been teaching us this logic for years. One of these things is not like the other.

The "racial" aspect of determining an individual's place of origin holds no weight. Mexicans (in the case of Arizona) or any other foreigner, are not a race of people just like Americans are not a race of people. These are nationalities. Immigration laws are NOT based on race, they are based on nationality. Are there are no black or white people born in Mexico, the UK or Germany?

Immigration status is based solely on an individual's nationality, the rest doesn't matter. To claim that it's racist to profile people based on nationality is absurd.

If we are not going to single people out based on where they are from, then why do we even have immigration laws? For that matter, why are there citizens? You have to prove that you are a citizen to receive government benefits, why wouldn't anyone else?

Does this mean the the police are going to stop asking to see ID if someone looks Hispanic? Does this mean that the Social Security Administration is going to stop asking to see Social Security cards if an individual "looks" Hispanic? Is that profiling?

Think of it this way. You have to profile someone in order to know that you're not supposed to profile them! In order to profile; you have to determine (or assume) that an individual belongs to a particular group. Once you have realized that they belong to one of the groups which constantly complains about being identified, it's too late, you've already profiled them. Sounds like a form of mind control doesn't it?

Check out this Arizona immigration law.

Profiling and Racism are completely useless terms in the modern world. They have been so skewed from their original meanings that they no longer hold any weight. Profiling and Racism are now used as a means of ending debate when the loosing party does not wish to continue to debate anymore.

Just know that whenever you hear someone cry "Profiling" or "Racism" (when speaking about immigration) they really mean, "SHUT UP! Don't pay attention to logic, we are going to break the law, do what we want and you're going to put up with it! If you try to stop us, we will tell your children that you are a bad person because you believe in the rule of law."

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1 comment

Comment from: Greg [Visitor]
Greg"... the United States is composed entirely of immigrants ..."

This is an interesting statement. Let's examine this.

Considering that it's basically historically and archaeological fact that human civilization began in what is now called the "Middle East," (specifically, what is now modern-day Iraq) we can make the following true logical conclusion:

POINT A: ALL nations in world history are composed 'entirely of immigrants,' since humans--at some point--did not live there and needed to 'immigrate' to every nation currently in existence.

An immigration policy that is gender and racial neutral, that preserves a nation's (not the ACLU's) sovereign right to determine what credentials are required to gain entry and ultimately citizenship, that is applied equally to ALL people, no matter what their country of origin, can not be racist. Therefore:

POINT B: It is NOT racist for the United States to apply the same immigration requirements to people illegally crossing the Mexican border that it applies to people entering from Europe or Canada or anywhere else.

You are correct: the chant of "racist!" is an illogical strategy to drown out lucid debate on the issue. It's the same tactic that socialist-liberals use when they are losing an argument, and so they begin crying in public about how "partisan-politics" are "hurting the country." It's emotion-based, anti-logical, manipulative control-the-dialogue tactics.
04/26/10 @ 15:22

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I believe that for the United States of America to survive, we will have to get back to our roots.


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