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If the Lie is Big Enough...

There are few interesting things happening here. There is a congressman from Michigan, Bart Stupak, who says that he won't vote for the health care bill if the abortion measure is NOT removed. In other words Stupak is Pro-Life.
The current democrat plan (which of course is NOT reported in the news) is for the HOUSE to pass the SENATE version of the health care bill, which contains legislation that will provide government funding for abortions. ...In comes Bart Stupak.
In an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, Stupak said he wants to see health care reform pass, but that some of the provisions in the Senate bill are unacceptable.
"The bill that they are using as the vehicle is the Senate bill. If you go to page 2069 through page 2078, you would find in there the federal government would directly subsidize abortions ... We're not going to vote for this bill with that kind of language in there."
The House narrowly passed its version of health care reform only after Stupak's abortion language was adopted.
When asked if he was willing to live with the consequences of bringing down the bill, Stupak said, "Yes, we're prepared to take responsibility. I mean, I've been catching it ever since last fall. I mean let's face it, I want to see health care. But we're not going to bypass some principles and beliefs that we feel strongly about."
Stupak is part of a larger coalition of House Democrats that favor modifying the Senate bill. When the House voted for health care reform, 64 Democrats voted for the Stupak amendment in a separate vote.
Here is the problem for the democrats pushing this bill. Budget Reconciliation is "said" to be an option. Right now democrats are being told that the senate can take the abortion provisions out of the bill (using budget reconciliation). The problem is that budget reconciliation has specific rules which force reconciliation provisions to budget issues ONLY. This means that the senate will most likely NOT be able to change the abortion provisions, because the provisions which provide the funding for abortions are not "directly" related to the overall cost of the bill. This means that any promises made by the senate about removal of the abortion provisions are just talk.
So where does this leave the process? It hopefully leaves it with a bill that doesn't move out of the house.
Remember the process! If there were enough votes in the house to pass the senate version of the bill this would be over, and the bill would be on its way to Obama's desk. The fact that budget reconciliation is even being floated in the senate is proof that there are not enough democratic votes in the house to pass the bill!
I highly doubt that this is the kind of change anyone can believe in. It's the kind of change that requires the most unethical means to attempt its goals (the purchasing of votes, Nebraska, Louisiana, Judge appointments). Like Robert Gibbs (White House press secretary) said earlier today, "Whatever it takes to get health care done."
This is a crucial point in history. I hope it will go down with this bill being scrapped completely, never to return again.
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Socialist Liberals=Atheists? You must not know many Catholics.
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