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Let the Health Care Bill Takeover Die!

Permalink 03/17/10 09:18, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Health Care

There's a piece of legislation so toxic that nobody wants to vote for it. With this bill so hated, why vote for it? Why even fake the vote? Just let it die!

Republicans and Democrats are locked in an unusual battle over how to vote on the health care reform package as House Republicans try to block Speaker Nancy Pelosi from using a legislative trick that would allow rank-and-file Democrats to vote for the health care bill without really voting for the health care bill.

House Republicans plan to introduce a resolution that would require an "up-or-down" vote in the House on the Senate-approved health care plan, to ensure everyone goes on the record as for or against the bill.

Democratic leaders are considering the option because many House Democrats don't want to cast a vote in favor of the Senate bill, which they oppose for numerous reasons. Problem is, the House must pass the Senate bill in order to move on to the package of changes intended to correct all the things about the Senate bill that House members don't like.

Enter the Pelosi tactic, known as a "self-executing rule."

Under this tactic, the House could simultaneously approve the Senate version of the bill while voting on the package of changes. This would "deem" the Senate bill passed, though not directly show members voting in favor of passage.

It may sound murky, but the option is winning favor among Democrats.

It doesn't sound murky it IS murky. Basically this results in the democrats circumventing the United States Constitution! The Constitution is designed to stop acts just like this from happening. Is that not the entire point of a checks and balances system!? What we have now is not government-as-usual, but a watered down oligarchy.

Robert Michels believed that any political system eventually evolves into an oligarchy. He called this the "iron law of oligarchy". According to this school of thought, modern democracies should be considered as oligarchies. In these systems, actual differences between viable political rivals are small, the oligarchic elite impose strict limits on what constitutes an 'acceptable' and 'respectable' political position, and politicians' careers depend heavily on unelected economic and media elites. Thus the popular phrase: there is only one political party, the 'incumbent' party.

Michels stressed several factors that underlie the Iron Law of Oligarchy. Darcy K. Leach summarized them briefly as: "Bureaucracy happens. If bureaucracy happens, power rises. Power corrupts."

Any large organization, Michels pointed out, is faced with problems of coordination that can be solved only by creating a bureaucracy. A bureaucracy, by design, is hierarchically organized to achieve efficiency—many decisions have to be made daily that cannot efficiently be made by large numbers of people. The effective functioning of an organization therefore requires the concentration of much power in the hands of a few. Those few, in turn—the oligarchy—will use all means necessary to preserve and further increase their power.

The only good side to this is our ability to vote. I suggest that citizens of the United States vote every single incumbent democrat out of office; this is necessary for the survival of the republic. For no other reason than the fact that so many democrats are unwilling to stand up to the few who are perpetuating this health care monstrosity. If the democrats in opposition to the bill cannot stop it then they should go as well as those who support the bill.

People should be aware that with the overwhelming number of people in opposition to the bill that there never was any grass roots movement for health care reform. The push for health care reform takeover has come entirely from within government. The push has come from the top down!

This bill will do nothing except guarantee that the government will eventually have total control over your daily life. Everything you do is related to health, is it not? Once the government is responsible for your health, how long will it be before the government can dictate what you eat or even mandate exercise?

This level of control is common place in the military. The difference is that people in the military signed a contract to this effect. The average American citizen did not sign a contract agreeing to have the government dictate their actions.

Our founding fathers signed a document to avoid exactly what is happening now. This document is referred to as the United States Constitution.

It's time for the people of this country to wake up and take it back!

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I believe that for the United States of America to survive, we will have to get back to our roots.


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