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White House goes on Offensive? I thought there was a ground swell for Health Care Reform.

Permalink 12/06/09 07:09, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web, Politics

CNN is reporting that the White House is going on the offensive when it comes to Health Care Reform. My question is; since when is this news?

As the Senate debate over health care reform gets underway, the administration is planning to "push back on the distortions and misinformation... being circulated by interest groups and opponents." The new offensive includes a video featuring Vice President Joe Biden and the presidents of the American Nurses Association and the American Association of Family Physicians.

(Who do Americans trust more on health care reform, asks Biden in the video: doctors and nurses, or "special interests"?)

Sorry Joe, doctors and nurses are NOT the ones who will make the health care decisions under the proposed legislation. The Health Care Commissioner is going to determine what care is cost effective. Nice try Joe Biden...

I didn't see any "special interest groups" at any of the town hall meetings. When people throw around the term "special interest group" it's meaningless. Why would one use such an ambiguous term anyway --why not just name some groups outright? Could it be that the special interest groups are straw men?

I have special interests. I call it --looking out for my (and my family's) best interest! I don't believe that surrendering my health care choices to government bureaucrats would be in my family's best interest!

There is a simple reason that the White House is going on the offensive when it comes to health care reform. A majority of educated Americans (educated on the issue of health care) don't want a government run system. Those who do support a government run system do so out of ignorance. That is why the health care reform push is so strong, and nearly all from the government. The Obama administration knows that the longer health care reform is debated in public, the more the American people dislike their plans.

It's simple, where is the ground swell for the health care overhaul? I have yet to see any grass roots support for government run health care reform. Sure you have large gatherings of union employees, but there is no "real" ground swell. Nobody is running around saying, increase my taxes, and take away my health care choices! In essence that is what's going to happen if this legislation passes.

Remember last week the announcement that women under 40 should not get mammograms.

To calculate an individual's estimated risk, see the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool at on the Internet.

Go ahead and click the link above. You will go to area of the National Cancer Institute's site where they have the "Risk Calculator." Anyone who doesn't think that these statistics will be used in government health care decision making is very naive.

I had a relative ask, "Jeff what do you think about the findings? Do you think the age of 40 is really accurate?" My response was simple. Ask any women in her 30s who was diagnosed with breast cancer. Family history means nothing for the first person in a blood line who is diagnosed with cancer! If family history is factored when trying to determine risk; Family history is also factored when trying to exclude risk "avoid unnecessary testing."

Rationing is a serious issue. For anything finite rationing must take place. There is rationing in the current health care system. Currently rationing is based on an individual's ability to pay (and their insurance) if they have any. The proposed government run system would rely on government funds and statistical data to determine who is "worthy" of care. There will not be enough government money to cover everyone, so you must have rationing. The difference, if the government can't afford your procedure, you don't get it. You also might not be able to pay for the procedure --even if you have the money. Remember the "Health Care Commissioner?" The commissioner is going to determine which procedures are effective for all areas of health care, public and private!

To say that there will be no rationing is a flat-out lie. Are government funds infinite?

There is no need for misinformation when the proposed legislation is NO GOOD!

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