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Hold your Breath! EPA to Name CO2 as a Pollutant

Permalink 12/07/09 09:58, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web, History, Politics

This is outrageous! The EPA is expected to name CO2 as a pollutant. You've got to be kidding me.

WASHINGTON--The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will early next week, possibly as soon as Monday, officially declare carbon dioxide a public danger, a trigger that could mean regulation for emitters across the economy, according to several people close to the matter.

Such an "endangerment" decision is necessary for the EPA to move ahead early next year with new emission standards for cars. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson has said it could also mean large emitters such as power stations, cement kilns, crude-oil refineries and chemical plants would have to curb their greenhouse gas output.

The announcement would also give President Barack Obama and his climate envoy negotiating leverage at a global climate summit starting next week in Copenhagen, Denmark and increase pressure on Congress to pass a climate bill that would modify the price of polluting.

While environmentalists celebrate EPA's authority to regulate greenhouse gases, it has caused many large emitters to cringe at the potential costs of compliance.

According to a preliminary endangerment finding published in April, EPA scientists fear that man-made carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are contributing to a warming of the global climate. Senior EPA officials said in November the agency would likely make a final decision in December around the time of the summit.

Apparently nobody at the EPA got the memo about the forged climate data leading to the whole Man Made Global Warming theory.

It's funny how this always ends up the same way. It's just like the scientists looking for the "missing link." Every time there is a new feather-winged lizard or half-ape half-human hybrid it's found to be a hoax. The reason; scientists pushing this B.S. are not scientists at all, they are trying to push their ideology. Science is not the goal when you fake your results.

The difference here is that the "feather-winged lizard forgers" and "ape-human-hybrid bone gluers" don't have an effect on anyone's bottom line --the Climate-Gate Scientists do. What would people think if we were passing legislation based on those fake feather-winged lizards, or any other hoax?

So remember to hold your breath! You don't want to contribute to Global Warming do you?...

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Comment from: Greg [Visitor]
GregDon't forget to mention that this Socialist Tax-On-Breathing will take into account Obama's racist policies of pandering to his voting block: people below a certain income level will be exempt from all of his "cap-and-trade" taxation. His goal: use racial-profiling produced socio-economic statistics to target certain demographics with new taxes but exclude "his people."

Wow. What else can we expect from Satan's One World Rule Tyranny?
12/07/09 @ 12:38
Comment from: Brian [Visitor]
BrianHrm. The "missing link" thing is a pretty poor comparison to the whole AGW bullshit-for one thing, there are quite a few smooth evolutionary transitions within the fossil record (see cetaceans for a good example).
As for "feather winger lizard forgers", there are plenty of those, sans the "forger" of course-see microraptor.
I've never once heard a palaeontologist declare that "the science is settled" upon some discovery-on the contrary, it's a branch of science that has for years been open to both review and even scrutiny-generally it's the other scientists themselves who are quick to expose a hoax as opposed to hide it. For example the infamous "Piltdown Man" was eventually exposed as a hoax by other evolutionary scientists.
Oh, and BTW, the only faked "missing link" bird I recall was created by a farmer-not a scientist. ;)
12/07/09 @ 20:22
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesRe: Brian

Bird / Dinosaur, what's the difference, other than the time period in which they live. Birds now are pretty much winged lizards. Besides they both taste like chicken!

I'm talking about the frauds. Remember the fake winged lizard story. It doesn't matter who faked it. I remember TV special after special on every science channel talking about this "great" discovery. There were in-depth explanations (by scientists) about how great a discovery this was, and how it answered so many questions...

As you pointed out, the lizard was a fake; perpetuated by someone outside of the scientific community. Much like Anthropogenic Global Warming. The people behind the "science" were NOT scientists. They were producing outcomes, not searching for truths.

That being said, Evolution (so far as the origin of life) is a theory --not fact. Consensus is not science. Truth is the entire point of science, at least it used to be...
12/08/09 @ 17:13
Comment from: Brian [Visitor]
Evolution may be a theory, and considering how long it would take to try and observe the process in "real time" (thousands if not millions of years) it will probably always fall under the term "theory". But there are lots of accepted scientific ideas that are still truly just theories-hell, physics is loaded with theories that we may never be able to prove as fact.

The point here though is that regardless of how you feel about evolutionary science, I can't recall a time when it has been slow to point out hoaxes or mistakes and then step back or start over. This is the exact opposite of the AGW cultists and their behavior.
12/08/09 @ 20:50
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesRe: Brian

Many old physics theories have been proven wrong. I have a set of my father's old Funk & Wagnalls encyclopedias. They are full of errors with regards to sub-atomic theory.

That is my point. Science is about truth.

The evolution crowd is also looking at science with ideology in mind. That is why there was such a stir about the fake feathered lizard. It's as if the scientists couldn't wait to validate themselves. They were not looking for answers or truth, they were looking to validate their theory.

Do you remember art classes where they taught all about how the Sistine Chapel was painted with dark colors. Historians claimed the dark colors were because of Michelangelo's "dark" childhood. Then what happens? They clean the paintings and find that the whole thing looked like it was painted with fluorescent paint! All of their ridiculous theories about how and why the paintings were dark were completely incorrect, yet they were taught as fact. People became caught up in psychobabble and started to believe some of the stupid theories about the human mind... History is about accuracy, not theory. The same goes with science.

Science means, as Darwin wrote, “to give up any hypothesis, however much beloved, as soon as facts are shown to be opposed to it.”

As long as there are people caught up in ideology who work in fields of study where accuracy and truth are corner stones, we are lost.
12/08/09 @ 21:25

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