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Obama's address to a joint session of Congress. What did you think?

Permalink 09/09/09 21:26, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web

I will have full coverage of the speech soon. For now I will cover one part towards the end of the speech, because it was very telling.

Obama, speaking of a letter that senator Kennedy wrote;

"What we face," he wrote, "is above all a moral issue; at stake are not just the details of policy, but fundamental principles of social justice and the character of our country."

The character of our country is at stake. What worries me is the part about "the fundamental principles of social justice." The president wouldn't have mentioned the "social justice" part of the Kennedy letter if he didn't believe in it, or find it purposeful.

The term "social justice" is often employed as a euphemism by the political left to describe a society with a greater degree of economic egalitarianism, which may be achieved through progressive taxation, income redistribution, or even property redistribution, policies aimed toward achieving that which developmental economists refer to as equality of opportunity and equality of outcome.

Obama, describing Kennedy's beliefs;

That large-heartedness — that concern and regard for the plight of others — is not a partisan feeling. It is not a Republican or a Democratic feeling. It, too, is part of the American character. Our ability to stand in other people's shoes. A recognition that we are all in this together; that when fortune turns against one of us, others are there to lend a helping hand. A belief that in this country, hard work and responsibility should be rewarded by some measure of security and fair play; and an acknowledgment that sometimes government has to step in to help deliver on that promise.

There are three things here I would like to point out.

1. The reward for responsibility is FREEDOM, not security, or fair play. Is freedom not the basis of the U.S. Constitution?

2. Obama says, "when fortune turns against one of us, others are there to lend a helping hand." I've never heard of government "lending a helping hand." There is no constitutional obligation to "lend a helping hand", only to "provide for the general welfare." I have a hard time believing that providing for the general welfare in involves hand holding. General welfare is meant to be just that -- general -- not specific. If the government begins to itemize welfare; the general aspect is lost. The Founding Fathers were trying to avoid a welfare state, not create one!

3. Obama says, "sometimes government has to step in to help deliver on that promise." Where is it said that there is a "promise" that government will "make things fair"? Just like Obama has not read the health care bill; Obama seems to have missed The Constitution of The United States somewhere along the way.

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Comment from: Hollie [Visitor]
HollieDang good points, Jeff! I actually really liked the speech myself. Obama is just so darn good at glossing over all of the details. I knew that if anyone would find an argument on this speech, it would be you! :) I just made a FB post, so go read it and respond intelligently before I get tons of hate-comments, OK? :)
09/09/09 @ 23:44
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesThe thing I find most interesting is how he refers to the bill in congress, and then refers to "his plan." There is only one bill in congress right now. Why does Obama keep making out like there are two plans? Again I have to remind you; forget what he says, it's the text of the legislation that matters. If you noticed, there was one guy who yelled, "you lie" during the speech. Obama is saying one thing, and the text of the bill says another. I presumed that he was going to present the idea as if there were two plans. Check this:
09/10/09 @ 00:56
Comment from: Nancy [Visitor]
NancyI didn't watch the speech last night, but I knew I would get the highlights from you. Great job!
09/10/09 @ 07:31
Comment from: Greg [Visitor]
GregI saw the speech last night. Obama has lost his steam. He no longer lights up a room even for his croonies.

That said, his speech was terrible, if judged by CONTENT. Nothing has changed. He lied several times, including the incident the Rep. Wilson cried "You lie!" Wilson is correct. The only place, from my reading, that the bill comments on "undocumented aliens" is in regard to peripheral issues. The Dems word it very carefully to use this one sentence from the bill to claim that illegals are banned from covered. THEY ARE INDEED LYING. There is nothing in the bill to prevent illegal aliens from getting covered in full, and this is the socialists' plan.

Obama is a diabolical, narcissistic liar. He's a legend in his own mind.

But IN REALITY, the Health Care Plan is unbridled socialized health care. Whenever the government inserts itself as a competitor in the free market system, it necessarily kills off all other competition. That is the economic model of Marxism. This IS the goal of socialist Obama. The government makes the rules that all others must conduct commerce by, yet the government does not have to turn a profit to stay in the game, as it has all of the taxpayers supporting it. This is why GM is doomed to be a crappy organization. This is why our public education is crappy (and why the government wants to kill off private/home schools). This is why Medicare is bankrupt and is still around, and same goes for Amtrack, USPS (postal system), and the banks they now control.

The last piece of the puzzle is the health industry. Lenin would be proud of protégé Obama: paint of picture of "economic and social injustice" (however false--liberals lie all the time to get their ends), get the masses to hate the hardworking taxpayers, and then, like FDR, sweep in to "save the day."

I still believe the liberal Democrats in Congress during the 1990s (Clinton's era), using a page from Carter's playbook, cooked up the lending practices using FDR's "Fannie Mae" as the government-run credit bureau, to create the credit debacle that caused our current 'crisis.' Of course they blamed Bush. It's part of the playbook. Without Fannie Mae--that government-run credit arm--the current crisis could never have occurred. The government "guaranteed" all mortgage loans, so banks took no RESPONSIBILITY for the loans they gave. These knowingly bad mortgages were packaged as securities and sold. The crises was bound to happen, and the "insiders" knew it. The Republicans tried to call attention to this in 2004 to 2006, and socialist liberals like Maxine Waters and Obama killed off those whistleblowers and defended these very policies that caused our "crisis."

It's the same tactic the government is using to kill of competition in the health care industry. The government--THE GOVERNMENT--creates the laws that hamstring insurance companies, like what limited coverage they can offer and not being able to sell across state lines, and then the government uses these limitation as "evidence" that we need a government option (as the government would be the only entity not hamstrung by their own laws forced on the potential "competition").

The goal is NOT concern for people. It never is. Socialists only want POWER and CONTROL. Period. And make no mistake, the insurance companies are not that much different. This is honest, right? But at least with free enterprise you have competition and choices and options. So if one company treats you bad, you move on to the next, just like every other product and service we trust to the free enterprise system. With Socialism, we are stuck with only the government, its debt, its lack of concern for people, lack of motivation to perform, and its ability to snuff anyone out who does not agree with them. Look again at the USPS, Medicare, Amtrack, SSI system--ANYTHING the government touches no longer has competition and the product we are stuck with SUCKS.

However, with health care, we are literally putting our lives in the hands of people like Hillary Clinton, Pelosi and Obama--people who have publicly made statements that "under their [health care] plan," even people who could pay for private care would not be allowed to so do. Obama himself pushed for legislation that would allow babies who surviced abortion to be able to be murdered outside the womb. Is this someone who has genuine concern for INNOCENT human life?

Hitler, like Lenis, would be proud of Obama.
09/10/09 @ 17:08

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