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Hillary's Email Personal Email Address,

Permalink 03/09/15 19:40, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, Fun, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Elections

Hillary used a private email address while conduction official State Department business. We all know that. She obviously did it to hide incriminating information. The only question is what is her lie going to be?

I have a guess as to what she's going to say. First she will start by saying that it was legal at the time she did it, she didn't know that it was wrong and she's providing the data now anyway. Upon further questioning she's going to say that she did it in part because of national security, she figured that her personal email was more secure than her government email. Remember Hillary is no stranger to email leaks.

Hillary Clinton, Julian Assange said, "should resign." Speaking over Skype from an undisclosed location on Tuesday, the WikiLeaks founder was replying to a question by TIME managing editor Richard Stengel over the diplomatic-cable dump that Assange's organization loosed on the world this past weekend. Stengel had said the U.S. Secretary of State was looking like "the fall guy" in the ensuing controversy, and had asked whether her firing or resignation was an outcome that Assange wanted. "I don't think it would make much of a difference either way," Assange said. "But she should resign if it can be shown that she was responsible for ordering U.S. diplomatic figures to engage in espionage in the United Nations, in violation of the international covenants to which the U.S. has signed up. Yes, she should resign over that."

Remember Hillary was making fun of foreign leaders in official "diplomatic cables" which really means emails.

WASHINGTON: US secretary of state Hillary Clinton has spoken with 12 world leaders, including the Presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan, in the past one week to express her regret over the embarrassing release of secret diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks.

According to the list provided by the state department, Clinton has also called president Ellen Johnson Sirlef of Liberia, China state councilor Dai Bingguo, Canada foreign minister Lawrence Cannon, Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi, German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle, new French foreign minister Michelle Alliot-Marie, British foreign secretary William Hague and Saudi foreign minister Saud Al-Faisal.

So, Hillary has good reason to keep her emails out of government hands. They could be leaked, requested by way of the Freedom of Information Act, or worse be subpoenaed in an investigation.

The fact is that she kept the emails private because she was saying things that she didn't want to get out to the public. I doubt national security was the largest of her concerns.

Also, Obama claims that he was unaware that Hillary was conducting State Department business from her private email. Obama claims he found out about it in the news.

President Obama discovered former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of personal email at the same time as news readers.

Obama, after delivering a Saturday speech in Selma, Ala., was asked when he found out about Clinton’s personal email system run from her Chappaqua home.

“The same time everybody else learned it through news reports,” he told CBS News.

Obama waded into the controversy for the first time since Clinton’s use of a private email account was revealed last week — raising questions about whether key messages were preserved.

Does anyone actually believe this?

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