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Who Exactly Was Pushing For A Government Takeover of The Internet?

Permalink 03/08/15 00:09, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, Fun, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Health Care

I don't know about you, but I can't recall hearing of a rally where people were asking for the FCC to takeover the Internet. Where did this all come from?

Network Connector RJ45
Network Connector RJ45

I'll give you a hint, we've seen this all before with health care.

Now the exact same tactics are being applied to the Internet.

Ajit Pai openly questioned what the problem was, saying, “There’s never been a systemic analysis of what the problem with the Internet is. In this order, you see scattered niche examples [Comcast and BitTorrent, Apple and FaceTime, others] all of which were resolved, mind you, through private sector initiatives.” He continued, saying that the FCC’s net neutrality regulatory regime is a solution that won’t work in search of a problem that doesn’t exist.” Essentially, this is, contrary to the assertion of activists and others, a vaguely justified power grab by a government agency.

This man is correct. Where is the problem with the Internet and freedom of expression? I don't see it. But it's on the horizon. The government will soon be determining what is "neutral" and what is not. Any guess which way it will lean? Really...

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