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Ebola, Obama and the CDC (Centers for Disease Confusion)

Permalink 10/16/14 02:35, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, Politics, Strange_News

Most of us realize the dangers that come with a new infectious disease in the population; that is unless you work for the CDC.

In the case of Amber Vinson, the Dallas nurse who flew commercially as she was becoming ill with Ebola, one health official said "somebody dropped the ball."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that Vinson called the agency several times before flying, saying that she had a fever with a temperature of 99.5 degrees. But because her fever wasn't 100.4 degrees or higher, she didn't officially fall into the group of "high risk" and was allowed to fly.

Officials in the U.S. have been trying to calm fears over the Ebola crisis, but time and again events have overtaken their assurances.

In August, before the first U.S. infection, CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden said: "We're confident that we have the facilities here to isolate patients, not only at the highly advanced ones like the one at Emory, but really at virtually every major hospital in the U.S."

On Sept. 30, Thomas Duncan tested positive in Dallas.

"This case is serious," Texas Gov. Rick Perry said in reaction. "Rest assured that our system is working as it should."

And there was reassurance from the White House.

I'm sorry, is the CDC trying to spread Ebola? If they are worried now about everyone that Duncan was in contact with, why are they letting those people fly? Does the grade of fever really matter? If you were anywhere near this guy and you show symptoms of any infection you should be tested, period.

The CDC has been completely dishonest about this from the beginning. The risks keep being downplayed, while at the same time they are searching for hundreds of people who may have come within the general vicinity of Duncan. How about the fact that the CDC is now trying to get in contact with everyone that was on the flight with the second nurse? I thought that she was not contagious? I thought it required direct contact. Did she touch everyone on the flight?

If you ask me we have a completely politically motivated CDC making poor decisions based on political motives. People need to be aware of the dangers of disease transfer so it can be contained. Keeping people calm while they spread a deadly disease is not containment.

The CDC playbook for quarantine goes like this... Lie about the dangers of the disease and it's transferability while hoping that it doesn't spread, because if they (citizens) knew how easy it was to transfer, they might panic.

I believe that the disease has not been well studied because it was considered unlikely to enter the U.S. It's always been one of those diseases you get by traveling to regions where it's prevalent. Ebola was always --way over there... Most of the data available about the spread of the disease is based on information provided from areas where the disease is prevalent, there poor hygiene and sanitation are usually assumed.

Remember this each time you hear about how Obamacare is working. These are the same clowns that want to control the decisions your doctor makes about your treatment. Just relax, they're the "experts." Funny how none of the "experts" have mentioned the possibility of a carrier; someone who has the disease with no symptoms, but can still transmit it.

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