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The Democrats Want Jeb Bush for President

Permalink 04/18/15 10:16, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, Politics, Elections

This is just a guess on my part, but I'm thinking that the Democrats and the media are pushing for a Jeb Bush ticket. Bush has received far too much non-negative media attention. Plus is seems with every passing day Bush is aligning himself with more and more leftist policies.

There are only two possibilities; either Bush is a genius and is playing the Chamber of Commerce and the leftists, or he's a Moderate/Liberal. I'm hedging my bet on Liberal.

I think that a Hillary win is a long shot, but if the Democrats can get a Liberal Republican in the White House, they will just settle for that.

Besides, as was reported just earlier this weekend, the repeal of Obamacare seems to be falling to the wayside for Republicans.

After five years and more than 50 votes in Congress, the Republican campaign to repeal the Affordable Care Act is essentially over.

GOP congressional leaders, unable to roll back the law while President Obama remains in office and unwilling to again threaten a government shutdown to pressure him, are focused on other issues, including trade and tax reform.

Less noted, senior Republican lawmakers have quietly incorporated many of the law's key protections into their own proposals, including guaranteeing coverage and providing government assistance to help consumers purchase insurance.

And although the law remains very unpopular with GOP voters, more than 20 million Americans now depend on it for health benefits, making even some of the most conservative Republicans loath to cut off coverage.

Facing the prospect that the Supreme Court this year could strip away insurance subsidies provided through the law in most states, several GOP lawmakers have proposed extending the aid, perhaps even until a new president takes office.

At the same time, the presumed Republican presidential front-runner, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, has shown little enthusiasm for a new healthcare fight. Last year, he even criticized the repeal effort.

Republicans who still demand a repeal, including Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, appear to be long shots for the presidential nomination.

I think that the Democrats can have it their way with either Hillary or Jeb Bush. There's even the possibility of a Bush Clinton Ticket, however unlikely, it would cement the Liberal agenda for years to come. Don't think those on the left aren't already thinking that way. If there is a strong enough front runner on the Conservative side the establishment types in Washington will stop at nothing to snuff any Conservative candidate out.

Only a true Conservative can make things better this time around. If we get another Liberal Republican, the country will suffer an even greater loss of freedoms resulting in greater economic loss.

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