Freedom is the Heart of Liberty!

Archives for: May 2023

ADD/ADHD, AADHD, And The Useful Idiots

Permalink 05/07/23 13:30, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Health Care
I have questioned this for a long time, since childhood really. If someone is diagnosed with a disorder, one that causes them to have some inability to concentrate, requiring medication, when do they get over it? Seriously, I don't think this question i… more »
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Environmentalism and The Joy of Shortsightedness

Permalink 05/03/23 18:07, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web, Politics, U.S. Economy, Elections
Many people have seen the news about wind turbines, how much power they can produce, and how the major issue is storage of power. But there's one aspect that's often overlooked -- what happens to the blades when they reach end of life, or are damaged? more »
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I believe that for the United States of America to survive, we will have to get back to our roots.


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