Freedom is the Heart of Liberty!

Archives for: July 2009

All this racism is killing me inside...

Permalink 07/24/09 00:51, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is arrested, it must be racially motivated right? Before making your conclusion, you should probably read the police report. PDF file of police report, dow… more »

Thoughts on health care; as a right…

Permalink 07/23/09 01:29, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Fun, In real life
Thoughts on health care; as a right… If health care was a right, how would the government protect it? Remember it is the government’s job to PROTECT our rights, NOT provide them. Our rights are endowed by our creator, NOT government. It is the… more »
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Health Care Reform, or systematic reduction of choice?

Permalink 07/17/09 12:12, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web
There are many key features that people MUST pay attention to when it comes to the most resent round of “Health Care Reform.” It seems that with any government program people need to be careful for what they wish for, they might just get exactly that.… more »
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"Health Care" or "Health Force" ?

Permalink 07/14/09 01:32, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web Despite objections from conservative and moderate Democrats, prospects for House action along the president's timetable are better than in the Senate. There, majority Democ… more »
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I believe that for the United States of America to survive, we will have to get back to our roots.


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