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Thoughts on health care; as a right…

Permalink 07/23/09 01:29, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Fun, In real life

Thoughts on health care; as a right…

If health care was a right, how would the government protect it? Remember it is the government’s job to PROTECT our rights, NOT provide them.

Our rights are endowed by our creator, NOT government.

It is the government's job to protect our rights.

If health care is a right, wouldn't the government protect the ability of individuals to pursue the health care of their choice? This would involve the government DEREGULATING, and allowing individuals to determine what is best.

If health care is a right, should the government be allowed to DENY health care to anyone? Health care rationing is happening in the U.K. right now. It is also happening in Canada. There is simply NOT enough wealth to secure the health of every citizen.

In order for the government to secure your health, there would need to be guidelines set. There would be limits placed on what sorts of foods you can eat, and when you can eat them. The government would have to take complete control of your diet, and your freedom as a result. After all you don’t want to hurt yourself, do you?

Many people look at health care as a right. Perhaps they can look a little past the hype, and see what is at stake here.

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1 comment

Comment from: Jeffery Bradberry [Visitor]
Jeffery BradberryDenying health care? Human rights violation?

You're right. With a government health care system in place, it's a very little step to justify taxing or banning fast food, tobacco, alcohol, soda, video games, automobile travel (for non business reasons), etc... all under the front of a citizen being a future health care expense for the government otherwise.

Ugh... I think I'm getting sick...
07/23/09 @ 18:24

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