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All this racism is killing me inside...

Permalink 07/24/09 00:51, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, In real life, On the web

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is arrested, it must be racially motivated right?

Before making your conclusion, you should probably read the police report.

PDF file of police report, downloaded from Gates_Arrest

Let's imagine that the Henry Louis Gates, Jr. - instead of breaking into his own home - hired a locksmith. He would still be required to show the locksmith some form of ID, proving that the property was indeed his residency. Would Gates have reacted the same way if a locksmith asked him to show some ID?

Gates did NOT own the house he was staying in, he was renting it. Is it possible that Gates didn't call a locksmith, because the ID did not show the address to be his residence. After all the locksmith won't let you in if you have no proof that you belong in the residence.

Obama when asked about the incident with Gates, one of Obama's friends, gave this reply. Note that Obama's reply was at the end of a nationally televised news conference on health care reform.

"I think it's fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry," Obama said. "No. 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home. And No. 3 — what I think we know separate and apart from this incident — is that there is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately, and that's just a fact."

Obama's quote shows that he was not well informed as to what had taken place, but had already prejudged the situation.,2933,534615,00.html

NATICK, Mass. — The white police sergeant criticized by President Barack Obama for arresting black scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. in his Massachusetts home is a police academy expert on understanding racial profiling.

Cambridge Sgt. James Crowley has taught a class about racial profiling for five years at the Lowell Police Academy after being hand-picked for the job by former police Commissioner Ronny Watson, who is black, said Academy Director Thomas Fleming.

"I have nothing but the highest respect for him as a police officer. He is very professional and he is a good role model for the young recruits in the police academy," Fleming told The Associated Press on Thursday.

The course, called "Racial Profiling," teaches about different cultures that officers could encounter in their community "and how you don't want to single people out because of their ethnic background or the culture they come from," Fleming said. The academy trains cadets for cities across the region.

Fellow officers, black and white, say Crowley is well-liked and respected on the force. Crowley was a campus police officer at Brandeis University in July 1993 when he administered CPR trying to save the life of former Boston Celtics player Reggie Lewis. Lewis, who was black, collapsed and died during an off-season workout.

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Comment from: Greg [Visitor]
GregI am a white, conservative Christian male. Sue me.

Seriously, it is unconstitutional for a PRIVATE citizen to be arrested in his PRIVATE home by any government/law enforcement official. Was Gates renting the home? Fine. It is still his PRIVATE residence.

Here's the issue for me: does the law state (and I do not have the answer) that a private citizen must provide proof of residence while standing in his private resident before being deemed "innocent?" I do not think this passes Constitutional muster.

Gates should never have been arrested. Even for acting like a ranting idiot and playing the race card to a police officer. Gates was in his PRIVATE home. The onus is on the police to provide evidence of guilt before arresting him.

Now, do I agree with Gates' accusations of racism? Now THAT is a different matter. No. Gates is clearly a racist. Anyone who views the world through "racial eyes" is the definition of a racist. But being a racist is not against the law. Gates has every right to be a racist IN HIS OWN HOME. In fact, as long as he does not threaten anyone in any way, Gates has the right to be a racist ANYWHERE, including free speech and even get a job as a professional racist (which, in fact, is what he did, as "professor" of race relations, or something).

Do I think that the police were in any way racially motivated? Absolutely not! Did Gates' behavior boil my blood. Absolutely.

But this is a question of LAW (we, being a Republic, not a democracy). Gates did not break any laws, committed no crimes and was standing in his OWN home when the police, unsoliticed by Gates, entered his home.

Gates' playing the race card was wrong. He acted like a rebellious teenage brat and the racist he obviously is. However, two wrongs do not make a right. We must cherish our Constitutionally guarenteed freedoms based upon keeping the government out of our PRIVATE lives and beneath our feet, and blurring these Constutituional rights of liberty by arresting, out of frustration, an abusive racist is to win the battle but lose the war of freedom and justice.
09/16/09 @ 18:12
Comment from: OGRE / (Jeff) [Member] Email
Me and My Giant Dollar Store GlassesGreg: According to the White House, after the beer everything was o.k. Whatever that means...
09/18/09 @ 02:43

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