Category: Politics
Heath Care, The NSA And Priorities

Camera Cluster
The government has the ability, through the NSA, to gather, catalog, compile and analyze data on just about every individual in the entire country and most of the world.
But, when it comes to a website to provide health insurance se… more »
How is This A Good Deal?

Money Printing Press
There was a debt ceiling deal signed into law today. The text of the bill was released to the press only minutes before the vote went down. I wonder why that was? So, this new debt ceiling increase does a bit more than you might… more »
Man Urinates In Reservoir; Now I'm Pissed!
Mount Tabor Reservoir
Forget politics for the moment. This story is amazing. Some dude decides to take a tinkle in a reservoir and they shut the whole water plant down!
Portland officials say a 21-year-old man admitted urinating in a Mt. Tabor r… more »

Hairy Reed
Harry Reid said something the other day which perfectly illustrates what's wrong with government.
Here is a transcript of Reid's remarks.
Bash: You all talked about children with cancer unable to go to clinical trials. The House is… more »
Another Future Loss For Republicans

One thing we can agree on
I'm sure you've heard it said that the Left is playing Chess and the Right is playing Checkers. Well this is another one of those moments.
Let's go with what we know. The public is largely against Obamacare at this point.… more »