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U.S. Chamber of Commerce Wants Amnesty

Permalink 01/09/14 05:52, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, History, Politics, Illegal Immigration, U.S. Economy

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce president yesterday announced that 2014 is going to be the year of immigration reform. Keep in mind that The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a lobbying group.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Immigration
U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Immigration

CEO, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Thursday, April 25, 2013 - 8:00pm
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Immigration Summit

Washington, D.C.

Good morning everyone, and thank you for coming.

We are here today to address one of the compelling challenges of our time—ensuring that our great country can compete and win in the global race for talent … that we can secure the lives and livelihoods of all Americans … and that we can reaffirm our proud and honorable legacy as an open and welcoming society.

Immigration reform has been a top priority of the Chamber’s for years—and it is a deeply personal priority of mine.

We can take great encouragement in the fact that this time, so many groups and individuals from across society and across the political spectrum have joined forces to build support for reform.

But, we must take nothing for granted. Immigration is a difficult issue. It encompasses a complex bundle of impacts, interests, and emotions. We must respect all points of view in this important debate—even those that differ from our own. At the same time, we should have little patience for those who decide to prey on fear and misunderstanding—or those who put their own short-term political interests above the national interest.

This is proof that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is not looking for reform, they are looking for cheap labor. There is nothing more to this. A valid argument cannot be made that immigrant workers protect the wages of American workers. If business interests are wanting immigration reform, it can't be because businesses want more overhead. This is a very simple issue.

The Tea Party is the target of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce now. The statement, "...we should have little patience for those who decide to prey on fear and misunderstanding—or those who put their own short-term political interests above the national interest." means that anyone who is against Chamber of Commerce backed immigration legislation for any reason is a target. This kind of language is designed to put everyone who wants to debate proposed immigration policy on the defensive.

The danger in more open boarders is obvious. The Democrat leadership in Washington are bad for the economy and the future of this country --as exemplified by the current economic situation. A large immigrant voting base for Democrats is the end goal here.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is willing to aid the Democrat party as long as they can get the cheap labor the businesses they represent want. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is truly representing their constituency --not The American People's interests.

As I stated earlier the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a lobbying group, they just happen to be lobbying against the will and best interest of The American People.

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