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Heath Care, The NSA And Priorities

The government has the ability, through the NSA, to gather, catalog, compile and analyze data on just about every individual in the entire country and most of the world.
The people in charge of providing and analyzing health care data are clowns. Does anyone really trust these people to make the right decisions for you, or even provide accurate data?
"The website is unacceptable, and we are improving it," one senior administration official told CNN. "But the underlying insurance product is good, and across the country, people are getting access to affordable care on January 1."
The administration is still not releasing the numbers on how many people have taken the next step of enrolling: choosing a specific health care plan. The administration has said it will do that only on a monthly basis, so the first tally of enrollment numbers will come in November.
Obamacare rolled out on October 1st NOT January 1st. We missed our own deadline, nothing works correctly, but it's good, we promise.
The signup numbers are abysmal because even when the website does actually work; the prices are ridiculously high.
Remember, Obamacare is not supposed to actually fix anything. Obamacare is designed to cause a breakdown in the health care system, making it look like it's the fault of private industry. Obamacare's primary design is to cause a collapse in the private insurance market, leaving the government as the sole insurer. A "Single Payer" system, or Socialized Medicine as it's properly known. But Hey, Obama won the election, right?
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