Category: Politics
As I have said OVER AND OVER AGAIN, The Plan All Along...

Single Payer Actuality
I have for a long time stated that Obamacare is nothing but the entryway to Socialized Medicine in America. Harry Reid has said the same.
Reid said he thinks the country has to “work our way past” insurance-based health ca… more »
There is No End to Google's Creepiness!
Get a load of this headline.
"Google subsidiary to run nearby federal airfield"
The name of the company is "Planetary Ventures LLC". The thing that's creepy about it is that they Planetary Ventures LLC has been registered with the state of Califor… more »
The Pope is Sounding More and More Like A Socialist

The Pope is starting to sound like a socialist dictator each time me confronts the issue of poverty.
There are parts of this that sound strangely like a speech from Hugo Chavez.
Lent is the solemn period leading up to Holy Week and Easter, when… more »
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Wants Amnesty

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce president yesterday announced that 2014 is going to be the year of immigration reform. Keep in mind that The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a lobbying group.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce on Immigration
CEO, U.S. Chamber of… more »
I Wonder When Obama Will Find Out That He's President?

It seems that every time something unfortunate happens Obama finds out at the same time that the public does. He didn't know anything about Benghazi, he didn't know about the IRS targeting of Tea Party groups, he didn't know that the Attorney General wa… more »