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North Korea Laughs At U.S. Inaction.

Permalink 11/23/10 19:04, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics

North Korea has fired shells into South Korea.

The firing comes after Kim Jong-Un, the little-known youngest son of ailing North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il, was officially recognised as his father's eventual successor.


It would seem that Kim Jong-Un is not very worried about the South Korean or U.S. response. He's probably just testing the waters to see what the reaction will be.

We'll have to wait for the smoke to settle before any real discernible information will be available.

I think that Kim Jong-Un is his "daddy's boy." I doubt that the north is looking for a war; even if they were they would have to do a lot more than shell one island to start one.

The real question is how will the Obama administration handle this? Considering that China, the largest supporter of North Korea, now owns a considerable amount of U.S. debt; we are not exactly in the best position to pressure anyone. Obama's overreaching domestic agenda damages the U.S. on the world stage. But we have Hilary to smooth things out right?

Act 1, Scene 1. Let's see how this plays out.

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