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The TSA is ready to touch your "Junk"

Permalink 11/21/10 14:34, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics, Strange_News

There is much speculation as to why people are fed up with the TSA and their searching techniques. Most of these involve privacy issues like the "If you touch my junk, I'll have you arrested" guy, John Tyner.

I believe that the real problem lies in the fact that profiling is not being used. People are getting sick of the nonsensical "politically correct" ineffective methods by which the TSA is conducting its business. The majority of Americans live in the real world where political correctness is a joke. Avoiding the obvious to conform to PC standards is illogical. If discrimination is frowned upon because it results in one group of people being treated in an insulting manor; how is treating everyone in an insulting manor the answer? The TSA is an extreme example of this inexplicable foolishness.

The simple fact is that any individual, if so determined, could detonate a bomb anywhere in the airport. This alone renders all of the searches at terminals useless. Anyone could set off a bomb in a mall as well. There is a certain level of risk inherent in any activity.

When the possibility of danger results in a loss of freedom for everyone; where are we headed? I think that the terrorist are smiling in their caves. The terrorists have managed to produce the overreaction they were hoping for.

I think that the American people are not scared of terrorists, they are afraid of their government's reaction to terrorists.

What are Americans supposed to do? If you want to board this flight we have to touch your kid in ways that nobody would agree to.

Remember this is for your safety... Does anyone really believe that?

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1 comment

Comment from: J. Ritter [Visitor]
J. RitterRidiculous.. This is the kind of brain storming that will cause a large portion of potential customers to stop flying.. When that happens, the rates will skyrocket to the point where it's no longer affordable to fly..

We need to mimic Israels MOP...
11/22/10 @ 18:51

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