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---> MUSLIM <--- Teenager Tries To Set Off Bomb At Christmas Tree Lighting !

Permalink 11/27/10 15:41, by OGRE / (Jeff), Categories: Welcome, News, Background, In real life, On the web, History, Politics

This is why we need profiling.

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Undercover agents in a sting operation arrested a Somali-born teenager just as he tried blowing up a van full of what he believed were explosives at a crowded Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, federal authorities said.

The bomb was a fake supplied by the agents and the public was never in danger, authorities said.

Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, was arrested at 5:40 p.m. Friday just after he dialed a cell phone that he thought would set off the blast but instead brought federal agents and police swooping down on him.

Yelling "Allahu Akbar!" — Arabic for "God is great!" — Mohamud tried to kick agents and police after he was taken into custody, according to prosecutors.

What more do we need? When there are people willing to kill innocent people at a Christmas celebration; our problems are a many.

Americans can no longer afford to ignore the threat, hoping it will just go away; using politically correct dialogue to avoid the truth. People need to face reality.

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