Archives for: January 2010
State of the Union... I guess...

The State of the Union address was a flop as far as most pundits are concerned. If you missed the address you didn't miss much. It was primarily a reiteration of each previous speech Obama has made. Apparently the TOTUS (Teleprompter of the United State… more »
CNN tries to misrepresent the Scott Brown win.

Wow, the spin never stops. Here is a story from CNN where they are trying to warn candidates not to lean too far to the right.
A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released this month found that 39 percent of Democrats say they're extremely or very… more »
December home sales are down, was this a surprise to anyone?

There are many figures to look at in home sales. One of the most important figures is that surrounding previously occupied homes. New home sales do not give a very accurate look into the economy, or the home buyers market. Think of new car sales; just a… more »
AIG, New York Fed Deal is a Matter of National Security?

So the SEC is treating the AIG bailout details like they are a matter of National Security. Reuters is sticking its neck out with this one. I wonder why it is that nearly everything that happens in Washington these days is a secret. Fed deals are secret… more »
Why you SHOULD NOT read Miranda Rights to a foreign combatant.

This story completely blows me away! If you ever wondered why the White House didn't divulge information about the capture of the Christmas day "Under Pants Bomber" here is why.
Since the attempted bombing, several prominent lawmakers have argued h… more »
McCain-Feingold campaign finance law gets chopped in half!

It is a great day when the United States Supreme Court makes a decision based on Constitutional Law --and actually upholds The Constitution!
McCain-Feingold limited the free speech rights of corporations, and private individuals by limiting how much… more »
John Stossel Nails It on the Head!
John Stossel explains one of the most common misconceptions about Capitalism. Stossel is right on! more »
Why Do We Have A President Who Wants to Punish Successful Businesses?

I can't figure out why the president is threatening to tax banks who award their employees with bonuses?
The "financial crisis responsibility fee" would target major institutions. It would be levied on those that were the main contributors to the f… more »
H1N1 (Swine Flu) Not Squealing Anymore?
The British Government is trying to cancel orders for Swine Flu vaccines. It appears that the H1N1 scare was just that --a scare.
Fewer than 5,000 people in Britain are thought to have contracted swine flu in the last week, and the numbers in inten… more »
If you ever wondered what a "Soft Tyranny" is take a look at current events.

Alexis de Tocqueville coined the term in his 1835 work entitled Democracy in America.
Basically freedom is taken away incrementally, so as to disguise its absence. Of course this is done without a war or civil war; hence the term soft tyranny. Sound… more »
Paper or Plastic?

The choice is going to be much easier come Jan 1 of this year, at least for the people of DC. DC will place a tax on plastic bags this year. The thing that makes this so absurd is the stated reasons for the tax.
Starting today, the District of Colu… more »