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If you ever wondered what a "Soft Tyranny" is take a look at current events.

Alexis de Tocqueville coined the term in his 1835 work entitled Democracy in America.
Basically freedom is taken away incrementally, so as to disguise its absence. Of course this is done without a war or civil war; hence the term soft tyranny. Sound familiar?
In the United States the incremental removal of our freedoms has been going on for quite some time, mostly under the radar. Politicians begin reducing freedom in areas that effect the smallest numbers of people first. Of course the logical place to start is at the top. If you punish those who have more, why would those with less care. Those at the top would just be brought down to the lower level right? As freedoms are reduced (for those at the top) those at the bottom often feel smug. I've heard many people say things like, "now they'll know how we feel."
The outcome to this is; there become fewer individuals at the top, usually as a reduction of freedom, there are more at the bottom. People are in-effect rewarded for doing less, and producing less. This is not sustainable. It's quite simple; you punish those who achieve and reward those who don't. The punishment of those who succeed is to prop up those who don't. It's this "fostering of dependency" which is hurting the U.S. economy right now. How can the government endlessly increase unemployment benefits when the country is already broke?
That being said, let's switch to the health care debate or lack there of. The health care "debate" is a shinning example of soft tyranny.
Even to those who pay little attention to politics can tell that most Americans don't trust this health care legislation. In fact polling data shows that most Americans don't want this "health care" legislation passed. I thought that our politicians were supposed to represent the people. What happened to that?
C-SPAN has been denied access to the (behind the scenes) health care debate. This is one of the most tyrannical things ever to happen in U.S. history. There is no health care debate. You just have a small number of people working on the legislation in secret. I thought the point of congress was public debate.
The United States refuses to be exceptional when it operates like a socialist oligarchy. Doesn't this make you want to go by an Obama bumper sticker?
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The Marxist Party's slow, "soft" as you put it, progression of taking over our once free nation has been going on since the early 1900s. The earliest remnants of globalist control in our nation existed even before both Marx lived and our nation was formed: the One Worlders who already existed in Europe during the 1700s made sure that a delegation of its "diplomats"--this one from COLUMBIA in South America--was on hand during the years immediately after the American Revolutuion. Hence, their fingerprints of influence can already be felt by the naming of our nation's capital as "The District of COLUMBIA."
Did we really think that demonically-controlled people in lust for world power would really ignore the King's defeat in the Revolutionary War and let us be? They tried the other tactic later echoed by Kruschev: slow infiltration until we rot from the "inside out" and drop from the vine of liberty.


My answer is for people to look to scripture. I think more people today have a gut feeling that something is wrong with respect to the direction of the country. America wasn't founded on "group think". The Bible talks of individual accountability, NOT group accountability.
Anyone who is a friend of group mentality is an enemy of God. I think that people are starting to wake up, because as soon as they push back against those who are trying to "change America" they are attacked on all fronts.
Take the Tea Party for example; now you have the NAACP coming out and condemning racism in the Tea Party. The Tea Party has absolutely nothing to do with race. The NAACP knows this, but they have to use these sorts of attacks to rally those people who fall prey to "group think". The left in this country has used these tactics for years. If you condemn something it must be happening right?
The Bible says that salvation is ONLY obtainable through God; no man can save you or anyone else for that matter. Those on the left want others to believe that if you go along with them, you will be saved. They want you to believe that what they are doing is the right thing.
The more people learn about the Bible and God's teachings the more they know that what is happening is NOT what this country needs.
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