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AIG, New York Fed Deal is a Matter of National Security?

So the SEC is treating the AIG bailout details like they are a matter of National Security. Reuters is sticking its neck out with this one. I wonder why it is that nearly everything that happens in Washington these days is a secret. Fed deals are secret, Health Care Reform is a secret crafted in the dark. So, what's next?
The request to keep the details secret were made by the New York Federal Reserve -- a regulator that helped orchestrate the bailout -- and by the giant insurer itself, according to the emails.
The emails from early last year reveal that officials at the New York Fed were only comfortable with AIG submitting a critical bailout-related document to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission after getting assurances from the regulatory agency that "special security procedures" would be used to handle the document.
The SEC, according to an email sent by a New York Fed lawyer on January 13, 2009, agreed to limit the number of SEC employees who would review the document to just two and keep the document locked in a safe while the SEC considered AIG's confidentiality request.
The SEC had also agreed that if it determined the document should not be made public, it would be stored "in a special area where national security related files are kept," the lawyer wrote.
I thought that the deal was supposed to be open and transparent. Remember this?
The secured loan has terms and conditions designed to protect the interests of the U.S. government and taxpayers.
If secured loan was implemented to protect the interests of the U.S. government and taxpayers; why then must the information surrounding the deal be kept secret? What in the world could be in the deal that makes it such a sensitive matter?
I covered this a while back, when Obama was on the rampage about AIG, even though his appointed Fed Chief was the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at the time the deal was crafted.
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"This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God." - John 3:19-21

What can be pointed out is that this same secretive method for passing legislation is how NAFTA was passed, as well as any legislation that was anti-Constitution and undermined the sovereignty of the United States over the past 110 years. Even the U.S. Federal Income Tax law is illegal, did not pass Constitutional procedure, but was, in secret, ENACTED AND IMPLEMENTED ANYWAY--ILLEGALLY.
It has been said that the Declaration of Independence is a simple, clear, short essay. The U.S. Constitution, the document that has formed and guided the most powerful nation the world has ever known for 250 years, is a simple, medium-sized essay. It can be plainly read and understood by school children. Why? Because THERE IS NOTHING TO HIDE.
But beware of legislation birthed in the anals of evil! They are products of darkness, with wickedness to hide within its long-winded legalese. Look at NAFTA, "health care reform," ANY legislation that fundamentally changes the principles of our Constitution--they are all thousands of pages long of which no one can read nor understand if they could read the rubbish.
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